Interesting thought.. naturally as a soon to be chiropractor we always search for the CAUSE of the problem.. we don't work with treating symptoms but strive to find the cause of the issue.. our realm...
Since my lab was super packed I decided to go across the street to a vitamin store I don't normally go into.. Asked the girl working there for a product and she asked what it was for.. I tell her...
I take about 50 million probiotics a day.. Do you typically have to stop your antibiotics when you have a candida overgrowth?...
I was visiting a doctor (not my LLMD) yesterday and told him I have lyme, he was interested to look at my blood under the microscope for spirochetes. He found I have a candida overgrowth.. I was...
Is it possible this is from the lyme? I tested negative for bartonella but then again I know the reliability of testing.. I'm on rocephin right now.. What is typical drug for bartonella?...
Anybody else's eyes get completely blood shot? Lasts for a few days at a time comes every few weeks... Messing with my vision man!!...
Searching for a LLMD for a friend who is getting no help for lyme testing from her MD.. She is in Davenport, Iowa. I would appreciate any help, she needs it!!...
I am a chiropractic student and I have lyme.. I know the truth about chiropractic and I live the benefits of what it can do for you .. I've studied various techniques and found that NUCCA is the most...
I have similar visual disturbances and actually they were some of my first symptoms along with excessive sweating and random hives.. Sometimes mine will get better typically in the evenings and also...
Thank you all so much for the support and kind words. It's so nice to have a place where people can relate with you and empathize. I really appreciate everyone on here it has made my life a lot...
I guess I've never really been able to pinpoint a herx.. It seems as if I am regressing but hopeful I am just herxing being a week in on the rocephin.. Last week was the clearest my mind has ever...
Yeah but I've has them before rocephin... I'll get a random hive on my arm or leg at any random time.. I had this a long with severe sweating which were actually my first symptoms about 6 years ago.....
Random hives as well.. Anyone else experience this? It's not from the rocephin it's just a weird symptom.....
I was on doxycycline for 2 months and just took a blood test last week to see if my mycoplasma was gone which in fact it was.. Started 2g of rocephin once a day. Im about 6 days in and I'm having...
Did the dr test from mycoplasma from the get go or just ended up testing for it later? Just curious. I also had digestive bloating and PN but it has decreased and I plan on it being completely...
Was diagnosed with lyme and mycoplasma.. After 2 months of iv doxycycline and much improvement my blood mycoplasma levels are normal! Feeling happy and excited to start iv rocephin to knock this lyme...
Just curious to see which antibiotic worked best for you through your picc line? I am generally curious but also I've been on iv doxycycline for 6 weeks now and just reevaluated with my doctor. I've...
Also I tested positive for lyme from a SPECT scan and positive for one coinfection which was mycoplasma pneumoniae. Just so you know :)...
Hello everyone, it was exactly one year ago that I started to experience some of the hardest times of my life aka the onset of my neurological lyme symptoms. My symptoms included Bell's palsy,...
I have one month supply and hopefully will be getting another round I wanna get rid of this stupid lyme!! So I'm aware this bacteria dieing off is called "herxing" .. What is this supposed to feel...
28 days and you began to notice a difference? Are you still taking doxy? Thanks for replying....
I believe I have neurological lyme and cannot see a LLMD until January.. I have access to antibiotics and am on my 4th day of doxycycline 100mg twice a day.. Is this sufficient? I have noticed slight...
Looking for an LLMD in Michigan, thanks in advance....