There is a difference between Synthroid and the generics. According to the FDA, on average, the difference in absorption between generic and brand name drugs is about 3.5 percent. So, it's completely...
sounds like your problems could be caused by either. i had tinnitus from doxy, but i've also had it from lyme. what does your LLMD say?...
Girlie - for inflammation i was talking about C 4 levels. normal is 0-2500 and mine was over 10,000. when i first got my CD57 tested it was 111, two months...
if you had a positive Igenex, I would say you most likely definitely do have it. What's your CD-57 and inflammation levels like? It took a week or two for the Biaxin to help with the vibrating.......
I started having the vibrating symptoms in February. After seeing 10 doctors I finally found out that I have lyme disease. My LLMD referred to it as "the buzz" and has quite a few patients with this...