What are your major symptoms with the panic attacks?...
Thanks for all the responses. So llnd can prescribe antibiotics?...
Is their treatment the same? Lol used the wrong "there"...
Hi everyone, Just wondering the difference between llnd and llmd. Is there treatment the same? Thanks in advance. Laura...
No you've been a big help. Thanks for taking the time. Laura...
Are there any in New York?...
Thanks everyone :)....
Hi I need some information about symptoms babies have when born with lyme. My 4th child was born at 35 weeks, my water broke but no labour. They thought I had an infection or something since I wasn't...
Hi I live in Cornwall Ontario and would like to know of any LLMD/LLND doctors anywhere around me. Thanks Laura...
Thanks Utahgal appreciate it. Would my son's symptoms be consistent with a baby born with lyme? I have searched the internet regarding babies born with lyme but can't find much. His jaundice was not...
Thank you for the great information and for taking the time to answer my post. So my symptoms are consistent with lyme? Also, can lyme infection cause premature birth? My water broke at 35 weeks (4th...
Thanks Katebirch I appreciate your information. They did a western blot which was negative. Which blood test did you get to get diagnosed? Is it possible for it yo show up in spinal fluid? I feel...
Should I ask for a spinal tap. Oh and have developed tremors in my hands and severe floaters? Could it be a false negative....
Hi everyone For the past three years I have experienced extreme symptoms. It began with an extreme flu, weakness in my legs and arms and muscle twitches. Then proceeded to all over body pain...
My goodness I have the exact same thing. It's sooo annoying. I'm up half the night because my heart is so forceful I can't fall asleep. Is this from Lyme? Can lyme cause a heart attack? Does this...