Firstly IHL you're going to get through this Lyme business!! You really are! Human sexuality is very complicated and it is not black and white but various shades of grey and there is no such thing as...
Hi Mayor The first thing your LLD will tell you is to get off the Energy drinks and even juices. The Lyme and co-infection bacteria feast on sugar to continue their 'good time'. An 8 oz Red Bull has...
Wow I've never been able to handle more than 5 consecutive days of Flagyl. I'm impressed. It appears that its side effects of neuropathy, twitching and sometimes nauseau become less pronounced with...
Dr. Horowitz who was the first to ever try Flagyl on Lyme patients (according to his book 'Why I can't get better...') recommends 3 times a week consecutively. If you can't handle that try it twice a...
Hi Lymeinthecuckoonut You never mentioned whether or not you were taking probiotics?...
Hi Dancingbear From looking at your IgM it looks like the good doctor is taking it nice and slow as he doesn't want you to keel over from the Herx effect. When did your symptoms start? From your IgG...
Hi You initially said 'Can any of you convince me into at least getting the tests? If anything, at least start with the WB before I move on to Igenex'? It can just settle your mind better if you have...
Hey Luckyman316 I've been sick for 2 1/2 years but have never called in sick so you don't necessarily have to miss any work. However I've only had mainly neurological issues with numbness etc. and...
Can anyone help ticked23 with a LLD doctor near Oregon by contacting ticket23's person email? Remember we should NEVER mention a Lyme literate doctor by name in this forum. Thanks Kent...
Hey Margaret To prevent C.Diff. My LLD recommends Florastor (or equiv.)Saccharomyces Boulardi lyo Mon/Wed/Fri 3 x daily and Metagenics UltraFlora Balance (or equivalent) 3x daily for the other four...
I forgot to mention that the emotional support provided in this Lyme forum is invaluable. As for microwaves, it is a known fact that if you 'cook' your Thanksgiving turkey in a microwave, you won't...
Hey guys All serious articles about any nutrient loss in microwaving food is not evidence based. We need evidence based facts particularily in a Lyme forum like this because people visit here...
In Feb 2012 I began having numb arms which for me was weird. I was still running at the time and began to notice my feet were also getting numb. Then one day I got up from a 2 week flu or virus and...