Hi Girlie, I stopped because we had gone on a two week vacation, and I'd felt pretty strong during those two weeks when I wasn't stinging. I thought maybe I'd received the full benefit after 10...
I'm following up here. I followed a protocol for bee sting therapy for 10 months, (May 2015-March 2016) stinging 3 times/week and building up slowly to 8-10 stings per session. In total I had about...
I like to hear about your experience with the dnrsystem. Was it helpful to you?...
I've had great success with Lumbrokinase DaveNJ41. I use Doctor's Best brand twice daily. It is less than half the price of Boluoke....
Lumbrokinase works well for me....
You don't have to do 30 stings per week Margaret. Each person moves at their own pace, starting with just one or two stings and increasing as they feel able. I'm doing around 15-20 per week and have...
Do you have a link to the independent lab test that showed heavy metals and other chemicals in Bluebird Botanicals? I've been taking their CBD oil and feel that it helps my Lyme arthritis. I don't...
I know someone else published this abstract recently, but I couldn't find the post. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26014929. If you have connections with a University library you should be able...
Steel cut oatmeal every morning with flaxseed meal, coconut oil, cinnamon, almond milk and whatever nuts or dried fruits I feel like....
I agree with bellyfull. Our bodies are working so hard, dealing with infection, toxins, pain...I think we're worn out by late afternoon. Eight years ago I had nerve pain following an injury. It was...
Yes. We keep bees so that makes it easy. My husband helps me. Not sure I could sting along my spine by myself. Usually I feel pretty good the day of stings, and then sometimes herxy and tired the...
I'm on my 5th week of BVT. Definitely think it is helping. I still herx a lot on the day following stings. I'm up to 6 stings, mostly along my spine but also using a few acupuncture points. Good...
I did a month of IM Tazicef, rotating between my thighs and glutes. My husband did the left gluteus. The rest I could manage. The injections weren't bad because the diluent had local anesthetic in...
Melatonin? Ashwagandha? I think they both help a little, although it's hard to sleep through a herx. Could you cut back a little on whatever you're taking until the herx dies down? Wishing you peace...
I started bee sting therapy a week ago. My husband and I have kept bees for 20 years. Like you I feel sad that bees die when I am stung. We catch the foragers as they leave the hive. The foragers are...
sayyadina, where do you get your herbs?...
In 2007 I had an injury that led to nerve damage that effected my tongue and vestibular system (balance). This had nothing to do with Lyme. It took about 18 months for the nerves to heal, but they...
Hi Triplet momma. I'm sorry you're having to go through this. It's hard to feel less than our best, especially when raising children. I never experienced the nipple pain, but yes, to all of the rest....
Thanks for the feedback Borderlyme. I'm excited about BVT. I'm so glad it has helped you....
I think it's the cefdinir. When I was on Tazicef my urine stank....
I use bulletproof CBD oil from Bluebird. Definitely helped my joint pain. They have periodic sales, so watch for those. Last time I ordered it was 40% off which helps a lot....
That sounds a lot like what I'm doing. I'm using the protocol from the site you mentioned. I started with two, one on either side of spine. Will do three times per week. Tomorrow I increase to 4...
My husband and I keep bees. I've been reading about bee sting therapy for Lyme, and am just starting a protocol. Has anybody tried bee stings for Lyme? So far no problems, and it feels good to be off...
Absolutely classic Lyme symptom. It's a horribly anxiety-producing feeling. It does get better with treatment....
How much CO oil did you use? CBD oil is legal in all states (hemp oil without psychoactive properties). It helped my joint pain, but I wonder if I should be taking higher dose to get more benefit....
I'm on IM (injectable) Tazicef. It is easier on the digestive tract, and also the timing is easier since you don't have to worry about coordinating medications with meals. Probably safer than having...
Razzle, I'm taking IM ceftazidime and yes, my urine stinks. Did it help you? I can't tell if it's helping at all, and I'm growning tired of giving myself shots. There is almost nothing on the...
A few of my red spots are raised and bright red, some are larger than a pin head. Mostly on torso and upper thighs. They don't go away. I don't know if they are from bart because I haven't been...
I don't think I herxed from CBD oil, but it's hard to say for sure. I herx a lot and I take CBD oil among other things. I do strongly believe that it relieved my joint pain....
Yes, thank you Rowingmom. This is hugely helpful. I need to get everything ordered and make a start. It helps to have a well thought out plan to follow....
Rowingmom, what herbs did you find most helpful for Bartonella?...
Lyme, although I think I also have bart....
I've been on 7.5 mg of coumadin for years. Took two months of doxy 100mg bid. It wasn't a problem. I think my INR went up a bit so every 3-4 days I'd take a slightly reduced coumadin dose. I...
Has anyone tried this? I had my first shot yesterday, and now have to start giving shots to myself. Just wondering if anyone has had success with this?...
Lyme seems likely, and maybe Babesia too given your air hunger. I'd go ahead and try the antibiotics. If you have Lyme, you'll likely have herxheimer reactions, so you'll need to detox as you go, eat...
My first western blot (local lab) showed only p 41+, but two months later, and a lot sicker I had a CDC positive western blot by IgeneX. Never had CD57. So yes, 41+ can indicate Lyme, but isn't...
Inner vibration, often not detectable by others - one of my first symptoms when I started to get sick. Hate it, but it did help me figure out that I had Lyme....
I agree about zeolite. I even think it is delicious. CBD oil is expensive and I know you said money is tight. I have some ideas about that, so email me if you're interested. It is legal in all 50...
I'm having similar symptoms on Rifampin, Biaxin and Plaquenil. I think it's a bart herx....
Oh, I forgot two important things. Lumbrokinase ( biofilm disrupter) GSE - completely took care of recurrent yeast infections and is also supposed to be a cyst buster...
Probiotics Japanese knotweed (powdered form from 1st Chinese Herbs) Milk thistle Hawthorn Bio-available B vitamins Cordyceps Curcumin Cod liver oil CBD oil - (especially if you have joint pain) I was...
I did great on Biaxin with plaquenil. I had more trouble with ceftin on it's own then on the biaxin/plaq combination. Maybe you shoud start out trying one at a time and see which one is bothering you....
Yes, I had a couple months of doxy prior to seeing Dr. Crist, then 3 1/2 months ceftin. Tried to switch to zithromax, but allergic response, now am on second round of alternating biaxin/plaq with...
Yes, sw Dr. C. in October. Due back next month. I do well on the biaxin/plaquenil, but with the quinine/clindamycin I have nausea, intense headaches in the back of my head, increased nerve pain, and...
I'm having trouble surviving this combo. Is it really helpful? If yes, I'll try to stick with it. I don't have insurance coverage for mepron, so am trying this first....
My LLMD finds that a lot of people with Lyme improve on heparin. In particular their pain becomes more manageable. If you can afford to give it a few months trial you could decide whether or not it...
That is a lot of money. I'm not a doctor. I'm a nurse who has one of the inherited clotting mutations. I find that Lumbrokinase helps me a lot especially since I got Lyme. It isn't cheap either. I...
About 10% of people have a tendency to clot more than average. There are a number of causes including genetic variations/mutations such as Factor V Leiden and Prothrombin factor II gene mutation....
I think it's a mix of genetics, bacterial load, time before starting treatment, overall health, nutrition and self-care habits. Genetics plays a big role....
Resveratol is an active ingredient in Japanese Knotweed. Japanese Knotweed is more effective than isolated resveretol in the treatment of Lyme....