How do I enable that?...
Hello, I've known for s while now that I've had Lyme but I'm still getting the run around from all the doctors I've seen. Even the ones who supposedly know a lot about Lyme. Any suggestions would...
I will definitely give it a try. What does the peroxide do for the soaks? And how much would I use if I were to try it? Just a ball park I'll probably start off with very little of Epsom salts and...
Yes. I actually take milk of magnesia (magnesium hydroxide). It agrees with my stomach so it's a good option for me. If I take 300 mg of magnesium would Epsom salt baths bring me into a toxic amount?...
When I drink too much water I feel full and sick to my stomach. I've always been an oddball and can't handle things that would normally make people feel better. Also when my bowels move daily, which...
No I also use the Burbur pinella detox and the liver tincture and it was working great as well as drinking lots of water but now it just doesn't feel that it's working like it used to. My idea of a...
Oh and since I'm feeling worse she thought that stopping it would make me feel better? Kind of counterproductive I think. I haven't stopped it because I don't think it's the right thing to do....
Well I was told to discontinue because of my burning stomach but I don't think that's enough reason to stop treatment. I've been using nutramedix Samento and Banderol. I started the beginning of...
I'm so glad I found this post. I am so happy to know that I'm not crazy and these things really are physical and not mental. I have the same weird vibrations and I feel that pressure all the time....
I was wondering if anyone here has been told to temporarily discontinue natural treatment even though they dont feel better? My Naturopathic doctor told me to discontinue treatment for a week to see...