Thank you all. Very good/important post. @Rikky, I'm a guy with lyme/bartonella and have the same issue on my left side of my groin that comes and goes and sounds like the same spot as you. But that...
Thanks so much, I've been thinking this as well, that the Rx wasn't enough. I've been calling LLMDs in the area but no new clients at this time is the answer I've been getting. But you're right, took...
I was diagnosed with Lyme in Aug 2014. Took doxy for 2 months (100mg - 2x/day) - symptoms subsided. I'm concerned about a new issue I've been having. I have pain in lower stomach and when urinating,...
Thank you!...
Good Morning, I was wondering if anyone could recommend an LLMD they used that is accepting new patients. I went to the ILADS website for referrals but the Drs I called are currently booked through...
Thank you everyone for your feedback. I'm really glad I found this site too and really appreciate the support you've provided me and each other. Also, for sharing your potentially difficult stories...
Thank you, Beth. You're exactly right - the dose was 100 mgs (2x per day). I'll look into the probiotics too. In addition, a common theme from the 3 replies is to find a LLMD, which I'll get working...
Thank you for your reply. I really appreciate the guidance. I'm really not taking anything else or any diet restrictions...I try to intake lots of Vit C but besides that not to much. I've always...
Thanks for your reply. As far as I know my doctor is not an LLMD. I was tested and positive on the ELISA and reactive on Bands 23 IGG, 41 IGG and IGM and 66. I do not remember getting bit nor did I...
Hi, I was diagnosed with Lyme in August 2014 - not sure how long I've had it. My symptoms were neck stiffness, really consistent shoulder blade/shoulder joint/arm pain on right side, finger numbness,...