I am taking a natural binder that my LLMD recommended. It is activated charcoal and bamboo. I have been taking it for over a month. We found mold under a leaky dishwasher and it seems that since then...
I recently have been exposed to mold for a second time, and since then I have bad diarrhea whenever I take my Buhner herbs for the Lyme. I have had to stop all herbs and supplements because they...
Nosila, I have seen a doctor there in Carmel over a year ago, but not for mold, just Lyme. Could you send me the info you have anyway to see if it's the same group?...
I am looking for an LLMD that also treats mold illness in Indiana/Illinois/Ohio. My daughter and I have both so I would prefer that they treat children also. I live near Indianapolis, but will drive...
Well, I actually was just exposed to mold in my home for the second time in the last three years :( My body goes into full on attack mode creating new layers of sensitivities. I already am...
Does anyone have any herbs they use for hypersensitivities? My body is in attack mode and is attacking literally everything! I need to help it calm down....
I have been on Buhner's protocol for about 3 1/2 months for Lyme, bartonella, and mycoplasma. I was starting to see significant improvement when I went downhill all of a sudden. Come to find out,...
Thank you for replying Dave! I have an LLMD, but I was looking for one that might have more knowledge about mold issues. I do some of those detox methods, but can't tolerate others. Any certain brand...
Does anyone here see a doctor in Indiana/Illinois that treats and truly knows about mold illness and Lyme? I have Lyme/bartonella/mycolplasma and have recently been in a moldy environment for a...
Iconic, I have some more questions about that test. My doctor said it is just a nutritional profile test, not a leaky gut test. Why did your doctor have you do that one? Was his theory that if you...
Iconic, I can't tell you how much I appreciate this information!! I am calling my doctor first thing in the morning to have her order this test for my daughter and I! One other question: Did you take...
Thank you Iconic! Does the test have an exact name? I have taken several leaky gut tests before, and have even had leaky gut and treated it, but never with amino acids. Any other details would be...
I have been dealing with Candida issues for almost six years now. I was only just diagnosed with Lyme a year ago. I started the tinctures about three months ago, and started to see significant...
Does anyone have a Lyme-literate holistic doctor, naturopath, or chiropractor that you love in the state of Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky or Michigan? I am desperate and willing to drive a ways....
Thank you everyone, for your replies! It just so happened that two days after I posted this, God opened a door, and the doctor I had her on a 8 month waiting list for, had a cancellation and we saw...
My 8 year old daughter was just diagnosed with Lyme, and my LLMD in Indianapolis isn't licensed to treat children. Does anyone have personal experience with a doctor in that area, or even Illinois or...
Thank you everyone, for your responses! They helped a lot, and I understand the results better now :)...
I need help understanding my IGenEx Western blot test. I have had an ispot and a CD-57 that indicates I have Lyme, but my IGenEx test says it was negative. However, some bands were indeterminate and...
Thank you for telling me that! I went back in and enabled it (I think :smile: )...
I am newly diagnosed, having suffered 5+ years, and am looking for a Lyme-literate, natural-oriented doctor in central Indiana. I have a few names of some, but no referrals, and was really hoping to...