hi one of my most bothersome symptoms with lyme has been severe vision issues. i still have yet to find anyone else with the same vision issues as myself. so i'm not sure if it's from bartonella,...
I had an MRI the month before getting diagnosed with Lyme because my regular doctor thought I had MS. I have a lesion on my brain and i believe it is from the Lyme so I'm hoping that will hea with...
I have partial vision loss in my right eye that comes and goes, tracking issues with my eyes, tunnel vision, focusing issues, floaters, lights in vision, tremors, fasculations/muscle Twitching non...
I was hesitant about doing the picc but my Lyme Doctor has brought it up every visit and he thinks I should have done it from the beginning. I guess I'm the most severe neurolyme case he is working...
Does either mepron or malarone come in iv? Are the success rates for the herbs similar to the antibiotics when treating the co infections? I don't want to have to take another antibiotic or two more...
How do you know for sure if you have babesia or do you just treat it anyway? Is there a specific herb that can successfully eliminate babesia so I don't have to take another antibiotic? I tested...
I forgot to mention that I am getting a picc line placed this week and will be doing iv doxy and rocephin and still taking the Bactrim. I have read that clindamycin can treat babesia. Does this come...
Hi everyone, So I've been on treatment for ~5 months now. Started mostly with treating Lyme with doxy, and ceftin and a bunch of supplements and herbs. My Lyme Doctor never addressed the co...
Can I ask what state you live in? I live in Ohio and there's only one LLMD in Ohio so I might have to change IDK...
I will add that from the beginning the only main symptoms I had all along were neuro-dizziness, brain fog, tingling and electrical shocks in my calf, numb hands. I had a few other random symptoms as...
I've been on this for four months and no improvement in my neuro symptoms. Another lady who sees this doctor says her neuro symptoms haven't improved and she's been seeing him for 3 years. I know she...
Dang...so the treatment I'm on now is pretty much pointless for the symptoms I have then?? Dang..well that's pretty disappointing. Maybe it's time for a new Lyme Doctor? Is it possible to treat...
What is the antibiotic used specifically for bartonella? For detoxing I am doing: dry skin brushing, activated charcoal, milk thistle, lemon water, glutathione, and I also exercise everyday for 30...
Oh I was under the impression that the PICC line is a better way to treat it because it goes directly through the body and it crosses the BBB?? My biggest fear is that the medication will not get to...
My Lyme Doctor diagnosed me with Bart because I have the rash and I am taking two antibiotics which I'm assuming are good for Bart ?? ( ceftin and doxy) but I am wondering if the PICC is a better...
Hi I know a lot of people on this forum are currently dealing with Lyme and going through treatment so this might not get answered by many but I am just curious if anyone actually gets better from...