I am taking the nano silver hours away from the probiotics so the good bacteria get a chance. Also drink kefir daily. 1 cap full should be equiv. to a dropperful. Will do a test. Funny, usually my...
No steriods, Probiotics, fermented foods, ginger, garlic, turmeric, Samento, Jap knotweed, Lomatium, Rascal, been on Allicin , also mix in black cumin seed oil and graviola for extra killing power....
Whoops I thought I had enabled email, how do I do that?...
Have mycoplasma pneumonia along with babs and bart, would have thought that all the other autoimmune stuff I am taking would have nipped it but... So just added colloidal silver at 2 teaspoons 2X a...
Stagnating with current LLMD, looking to switch. Fed up with inept office asst and inability to contact doc outside of visits. Can anyone recommend a doc who has tailored a comprehensive treatment...