Since the time I suspect that I contracted Lyme I have had chronic yeast infections and now oral thrush and my whole body is itching and driving me mad. I have not taken antibiotics for Lyme...
I've always had many symptoms and been told I was a "mystery" by doctors but it was not until I had my first baby that things ramped up and have gone haywire, then I learned about Lyme. I am...
Thanks everyone. I am planning to call Igenex this week and order my kit regardless of the outcome. I have suffered too long with no answers or explanations for ny health and since learning about...
No, it is a provincial lab test. The lab tech said she had no idea what it even was....
My first step towards finding out. Im in the waiting room. I know chances are it will be negative. 🙁...
Thank you for your responses. Yes, I lived on Vancoucer Island. I do have a GP but worry that they will think I'm a hypocondriac if after failing the ELISA I ask them to sign for Lyme testing in the...
Sorry. I guess I should have stated late stage lyme not chronic. My bad. L...
Hi there. I am from the island and now living in Calgary . We have Calgary Lab Services here, not sure if they operate the same as Life Labs does. Would a walk in clinic sign the forms for igenex?...
I apologize that this is long. I am extremely grateful to anyone who takes the time to read it. I will start off by saying that starting about 6 years ago in 2010 I was living in and working a...