NOt that lucky if I cant move out there because I can't find the right doc!...
PLEASE HELP ME--IF YOU KNOW OF ANY LLMD'S OR LYME EDUCATED DOCTORS OUT HERE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!! I TRIED to go to Colorado to move last week, and immediately had one of those seizure stroke things...
Hello! I have been seeking treatment options in GA but it seems life is making me move to COlorado, a rather awesome thing i have to embrace also, but I am terrified about finding good priced docters...
HELLO FELLOW HEALING WELL FRIENDS, I have made a couple posts on here and so far it was only introducing myself, which prompted for a few responses I forgot to respond to , since I got brain fog sick...
Thai is a very interesting topic!!!! I have had his happen to me off and on the past year and it's just frustrating. Georgia hunter you are very very knowledgeable. I have been on a major detox thing...
Traveler, I'm really excited to talk more and connect!! Thank you for you info and warm wishes. I'm so sorry you were bit a second time that's just absurd!!!...
HOLY MOLY----- thats a great thought. He says he has had allergy sensitivity to antibiotics for almost all his life. We do need to get him tested though. Thinking about IGenex? Not sure how expensive...
THANK YOU! That does make sense! Happy Easter! Do not eat the candy...... lol So, my hub is a brittle diabetic, and has a lot of the same issues as I do, rooting from the gut, and I am afraid...
4.16.17 In The Lyme Light (no pun intended) My Story and the crazy journey of..... (in short...for now...) "The Short Version of My Long Lyme Story" Long story short, I've been feeling sick for a... Above is the National Geographic link to this, and I have also noticed a lot of couples...
I live in the SouthEast--NC/N. GA mountains? Does this doc charge alot for skype sessions??...
have you heard of the doug coil?...
ChickenArise, Huddie, PeteZa, Travelor, GIrlie, Blue Lyme and Skyy, THANK YOU for your warm welcomes and well wishes, and instant community support and knowledge sharing! How relieving it is to log...
i agree with this 100%. Herbs helped me not be crippled like I was in January. I still need to get more and figure out what else I need besides what I'm taking...
Hello! I'm sorry to hear you're dealing with that, I know how much it sucks. Especially when it happens in my face. I drink my body weight cut in half of water in ounces and it helps massively. Also...
Hello. I am not sure what thing to post first, as I have never been connected with, a member of, or actively part of a forum, ever! In my life-- imagine that? 🤐 However I had always been reading...