Hi, I was diagnosed in June with a Western Blot, IGG negative, only showing band 41. IGM positive on bands 41 and 23. Started immediately on antibiotics, slowly building up to current regime of 600...
This is my 10th week of antibiotics, 2 weeks of doxy, 8 of omnicef and just added in flucanozole for the past two weeks which has me on and off herxing. Today, I woke up not feeling great but...
The omnicef I have been on for two months, so that's not new and boy did I herx on that. I will wait and see with diflucan!...
Hi, I just went for my third appt with LLMD and he added in diflucan in addition to omnicef. Should I expect a herx? Anyone have experience with diflucan? Thanks!...
Hi, Sorry for the TMI question. But does anyone else notice a severe flare in symptoms at the beginning and middle of their cycles? I have terrible palps, feel like I am going to faint, just general...
So I have Lyme and while waiting at the hospital to get an Elisa titer done for my son due to a weird rash a few weeks back, I found a tick nestled in his neck. Our ped said there's nothing to do,...
Also, does anyone know an appropriate starting dose for burbur pinella? I actually already purchased it, just have not started using....
Thanks for the support and advice!...
Thank you so much! Can you recommend a good gut binder?...
This is week 4 of antibiotics, two on doxy, then switched to omnicef and my anxiety is out of control, causing panic attacks and really interfering with my daily life. It started to get worse on the...
Thanks for all the tips! Will try anything to help ease this!...
I just got switched to Omnicef, taking 300 mg 2x/day, this is day 5 and I feel awful. I am dry brushing, taking supplements, drinking ACV and detox tea, using essential oils. Any other tips and...
Thanks Caramba! How long have you been on meds and are you feeling any better?...
Physedgirl- yep he did blood work and I go back in a month. What did he do for you? Is your email in your profile? I can send you an email too if that's easier...
Physedgirl- omnicef 600 mg 2x/day. I saw an LLMD in Howell, NJ, not sure if that's the same one you told me about!...
Physedgirl- I just got diagnosed and started treatment, so no improvement yet! Hopefully soon!...
Octobrsky- Thanks so much for the input, this is so helpful. I definitely did herx with doxy. I was actually thinking of starting with a half dose of Omnicef for a week and then increasing after...
Physedgirl- First was tingling in limbs, then came the near fainting, then a brain MRI showed white matter lesions. I have constant dizziness and feeling of vertigo since starting antibiotics (I hope...
Physedgirl09- How long have you had Lyme? Did you have neuro symptoms? I am nervous to take such a high dose, but glad to know it didn't cause any negative side effects....
Hi, I just saw an LLMD for the first time today. My GP had me on Doxy 100 mg 2 times per day. My LLMD switched me to 600 mg 2 times per day. The pharmacist when filling it thought it was a mistake...
Thanks for the input, reassuring to know I am not alone. Hoping it gets better soon!...
I am on week 2 of doxy for lyme and am extremely dizzy, have felt like I was going to faint multiple times. Is this something anyone else has experienced? Any recommendations to help alleviate? Thank...
Thanks for all of the info! I appreciate it!...
Hi, I got sick a year ago. No one could figure out what was wrong, saw cardiologist and neurologist, brain MRI showed white matter lesions and they ran the ELISA but it came back negative. Also got...
I started doxy on Friday for Lyme. I have a liver hemangioma, tiny and sometimes have abdominal pain but my pain has increased with this med. Reading up and seeing that lyme affects the liver has me...
Hi I was recently diagnosed with Lyme, most likely infected a year ago. I was started on doxy for three weeks, 200 mg/day by my GP. I need to find a LLMD that takes insurance in the NY/NJ area. If...