I didn't get tested for Bart I don't think.I guess I have to just hope I find a llmd near me....
Oh because on my test results it said babs was negitive....
Bitten 20 years ago and just started getting sick.My test western blot showed band 23 igm reactive along with 41 igg and 66 igg.The co infection test shows negative for babs.I wanted to know if it's...
Thank you PeteZa...
Band 23 igm reactive,bit 20 years ago and started feeling sick last year.Looking for a LLMD near me.Thank you :)...
Thank you all for the information.I don't recall bullseye rash.I will start a new thread asking if anyone knows a llmd near me....
I have been feeling sick for a year.Headaches,low grade fever for months,itchy face,nauseous all the time,wake up with numb arms and legs,dizzy,red eyes,hot flashes,chills,I'm 40 and got bit by 3...
Thank you for the welcomes :D.I will be posting an update after my next appointment with infectious disease doc.Next week....
My symptoms started last year which is low grade fever on and off,high WBC and rbc count,tremors,nausea,dizzy,severe confusion,hot and cold flashes,joint pain,anything with coconut in it makes me...
Thank you very much for this information,it's very helpful....
I have bands 66,23,41 reactive but negative babs.and bart.I was bit 20 years ago and started feeling sick recently.I didn't know why.My WBC are always high and rbc too.I always have a low grade...