My llmd just tested me for MARCoNS after nine months of treatment and it came back positive. She is starting me on the BEG spray right away. My questions are: does that seem like the correct...
Hi, All, I just started month six of my Lyme/babesia/bartonella treatment. Took doxy et al for almost three months then stopped to concentrate on killing babesia. Dizziness and imbalance had almost...
Thank you, Hoagie and Girlie! I am currently under the care of a really great LLD who believs in a combination of antibiotics, herbs, supplements and accupuncture. Even so I am curious to see what...
New to this site. Sick for two and a half years, possibly longer, but that is when symptoms started. Diagnosed five months ago with late stage Lyme, babesia, bartonella and toxoplasmosis. Bart...