Has anyone had any success or struggles with Dapsone? Just wondering how people are responding to it. Is it working? Is it better than other antibiotics? Have you had any struggles with herxes or...
thanks for the info Rikky and Girlie. Much appreciated....
rikky - to answer your question re what i did for babesia. malarone, amox, augment, biaxin, plaquenil daily. flagyl pulses malarone, bactrim, biaxin, plaquenil daily. flagyl pulses clinda + quinine...
Thanks Rikki! I'm treated Bab for 2 yrs before starting Rifampin and didn't make much progress with that either. that's when i switched to Bart (i have a + test for bart). bab is still an issue. i'm...
Lyme-Basics -- can bactrim be added to rifampin? or does it have to be combined with rifabutin?...
Lyme basics. Does the Bactrim have to be combined with rifabutin? Is it ok to combine with rifampin?...
Hi, Has anyone tried Rifampin + Bactrim together and had good results from it? I have been on Rifampin for 2 yrs with very little improvement. Recently I have been taking Rifampin 900mg, Azithro,...
Rikky - Can you send me the name of the dr on Long Island who specializes in Rife? Did you have an appt with the dr? if so, how did it go? thanks. Just reading all the threads about Rifampin. I've...
If you have lyme, you need to be on abx the entire time you are pregnant and breastfeeding. You should also be on abx while trying to get pregnant so you don't pass it to your partner. If you do have...
ChickenArise, Thanks for the info. How did the treatment go for you? any bad side effects? Did you do any heavy metal binders during the treatment? Did you take any antibiotics for lyme during the...
Hi, Has anyone done Dr Klinghardt's parasite protocol at the same time as taking antibiotics for lyme/bart/bab? I am in the middle of a Rifampin protocol to treat Bartonella. (Rifampin 900mg, Mino,...
I have been taking rifampin for one year (bart) and bicillin for three months (lyme) plus biaxin and flagyl. My doctor has added doxy to augment the rifampin, but noted that it could decrease...
Thanks Girlie and Huddie. Lots of great info. I might direct message if I have more questions. Thanks!...
Thanks Traveler. Pretty flexible on states or provinces. Looking for the best/most successful LLMD. NY, MD, MI, MA are all fine. Thanks! BTW - Read through the New to Lyme thread a couple of weeks...
New to this board, but not new to Lyme. I've been sick for 11 years and have been seeing my current LLMD (Dr M) for 3.5 years. Diagnosed with Lyme, Bart and Babesia. I've had 15% improvement in the...