I think it's very common for Lyme patients to be flooded with cysts and tumours, whether Bakers cysts that come and go, synovial spinal cysts that do the same, and even large lumps under your arm...
You will get so many of those things with Lyme, Lily. One accupuncturist told me to eat a LOT of ginger and garlic with every meal. Bingo, worked like magic, especially if you are taking tumeric...
I think it might not hurt all of you who complain of head pressure to also have your prolactin checked in case you have a pituitary tumour. About one in six people does, and if you have Lyme, I would...
I think magnesium has to be taken in proper proportions with Vitamin D and calcium in order to work, Sean. But now the latest things seem to suggest that calcium is bad to take at any time unless you...
Thanks loads, Girlie. Found that later too....
Oh no! I accidentally deleted a veteran user by mistake and I want to get his posts back. Didn't want to ignore this user's posts. Does anyone know how to get them back? Thanks....
I have good pills for spasms (Cogentin - best on the market because you don't have to take it all the time and it reacts really quickly when needed) and also Cabergoline for keeping prolactin down...
Thanks Missouri. Yes, if you look up Lyme disease in Alberta there are more articles written about its non existence in this province and its denial than anything else. But like many others, I have...
I have tested positive for Lyme on the Cdn Eliza test and equivocal on the WB and positive on the IGENEX tests (on the right Lyme bands) as well as positive for Bartonella; however in Canada these...