Could you guys please email me as well? I have been seeing 2 but would like to be able to get another opinion, as they are both telling me something different....
I received the test results. Line 41 ++ Line 58 + Everything else is negative. I do not know how to post the image....
I agree that I need to address the mold issue and I believe that I have parasites and muscle tested for parasites as well. I did some of the parasite treatment but it made my tinnitus so much worse....
I don't know but I went to the website to see if I could see anything about test results and all I found was it says Lyme is a clinical diagnosis. I am interested to see the results....
She just sent this response too; "Sorry, Also to answer the "killed off question". No, if you had been exposed at all it would show up in the IGG result. The antibodies don't just disappear. There...
I just got this response from the provider about the Igenix results; "Actually the urine test you did at ______ clinic is known for false positives. I think you may be feeling better on antibiotics...
I think I am seeing the only LLMD's in the state of Colorado but could be wrong and was wondering if anyone has had experience with Dr. SN or Dr. DK. I'm seeing PA's that trained under both. Maybe I...
Hi Girlie, thanks for your reply! Yes, I am sure I have Lyme and was very shocked when I got the message response last night. Most LLMD's can treat or diagnose from symptoms alone. I will get the...
I live in Colorado and have my whole life. I have had 3 ticks on me in my life that I know of, 1 found in my hair when I was around 10 (not attached that I know of), another in my hair in my 20's...
Thanks Girlie! Yes, it's nice to have some relief of something. I think knowing what was causing it all helped too. To finally have an explanation makes me a little less afraid, therefore, less...
I was diagnosed in October with Lyme and Babesia, the anxiety/panic attacks were terrible for me. My LLMD suggested 2 lavela lavender oil capsules at night before bed with my magnesium. It has worked...