Looking to get a good brand of milk thistle. Anyone have kne they love and wont kill the bank....
Tha is so much Gerdy!!...
Thank you. !!...
What type of docs do I look for to treat with herbs only? I've been reading Bulhners (sp?) Unlocking lyme and I wrote down a bunch of supplements. I'm not willing to do his whole protocol. Dont have...
This is why I question lyme and other coinfections. I definitely had alot going on and was super stressed, not sleeping well, drinking too much wine and not eating well. My vitamin d was deficient...
Is there a best way to treat bartonella?...
Do yours come and go? My llmd explained you can have carpal tunnel and ulnar neuropathy and it can be aggravated by lyme...
I guess this is why I'm confused and feel like a indeed a better llmd who doesnt just want to try some antibiotics and see what happens. That to me just seems crazy...
The neurospinal doc did a thoracic outlet test and suspects that as well....
This is why I feel like I need a good llmd. I am not surprised that u have carpal tunnel and ulnar neuropathy. From june 2017 to march 2018 I was boxing and kickboxing 4 times a week and I'm not easy...
So far my only lyme symptoms are tingling hands (emg diagnosed carpal tunnel and ulnar neuropathy both mild) I have some neck pain as well. If I wear the braces at night it seems fine. I do get weird...
What tests did she use to diagnose you?...
Would you be able to email me her name. I'm about an hour from exton...
So that's what I'm afraid of. If I only have the tingling and numbness why would I want to bring on a million other symptoms. If those symptoms come out then will they stay????...
Looking for a llmd anywhere in pa or surrounding states that know the correct use for antibiotics to treat lyme. Not comfortable with my current llmd....
Igm range is =1.11 Igg ranges are same as the igm...
Thank you. I tested negative for all the other coinfections with the exception of bartonella. Iwas igm .08 and igg. 80. It's still considered negative and llmd said alot ot us are exposed especially...
Could you email me names of good llmd in pa? I live in southeastern pa but am willing to travel...
So what should I do. Not take the antibiotics and look for a new llmd???...
I dont remember ever being bit so I'm assuming im.in the chronic stage. The weird symptoms started in march of 2018. I live in PA...
I def am questioning him. At first he said the MDL test was negative. He didnt even receive the blot test at that point and was just going by MDL. He seems to play more on the cautious side of...
Hi all. I'm new to this forum and have been having weird symptoms since March. Started last summer with plantar fasciitis (I attributed it to working out without shoes for 2 years and I do boxing and...