I have (seemingly) every eye issue out there - including uveitis - an eye autoimmune disease that causes pain and visual distortion. I would HIGHLY recommend seeing an ophthalmologist (MD eye...
I use mint oils (wintergreen, peppermint) on base of my skull and temples for headaches. I use lavender and vetiver for sleep and various ones for stress support. I attempted to use frankincense for...
Thanks so much everyone! The every other day thing may be a good idea for me since I didn't really feel it til 2 full days of treating 2x/day. I really didn't expect the EBV to have that bad of a...
Hi all - I'm finally starting Lyme/EBV treatment and am starting out with 1 drop Samento and 1 drop A-EB/H6. Trouble is - I feel like I'm already herxing on one drop (plan was to increase by 1 drop...
It is crazy to me that it's not just deer ticks that carry this stuff : ( Scary....