I’ve been prescribed it twice in my life. Once for hashimotos and I tried it for about a year with no change. Tried again for Lyme for about a year again and again it ultimately did nothing for me....
Do they actually do anything to help you? And which ones are you taking? I'm not averse to them at all. I'm doing the Jernigan protocol at the moment, so won't be trying them any time soon, but it's...
About how long does it take to break down sublingually? The pill tastes so nasty not sure I could hold there very long, but might be worth the effort if it helps I’m feeling so sluggish still. Ive...
This is my first time changing types of medication. I’ve been on levothyroxine since I was a teenager (20 years ago) and then liothyronine was added about ten years ago. My thyroid issue has always...
Jovalyme I don’t know a ton about essential oils yet, I’ve just gotten into it recently. As far as I know the only ones safe for internal use are Doterra and I think Young Living? The doterra bottles...
Mostly I’m referring to the statement on every bottle and tincture I have in my house at this moment including herbs and EO’s: “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug...
But are they up to the standards? If they’re not classified as a food or drug - how do you really know what’s happening in the production? If they aren’t obligated to be at a certain standard - ie...
Thank you for the info, fortunately I have a follow up appointment today regarding my switch. Curious to see how my bloodwork looks. My hair fall has slowed so that’s positive, now I just need it to...
I’ve never heard of ingesting essential oils as fatal? I guess maybe if it was the oils you buy in a home decor department that are just meant to be diffused as an air freshener and serve no real...
Fabulous, I just switched to NP thyroid. Maybe I’ll be switching back before I can give it a real chance. I’ve only been on it two weeks. Stuff is hard to swallow, smells like cat pee and tastes like...
This is the article in reference, needs more testing https://hub.jhu.edu/2018/12/04/lyme-disease-treatment-essential-oils/ I use EO as a support and for certain symptoms and find them very effective....
I know no one seems to post over here anymore BUT switching from levothyroxine/liothyronine to NP thyroid for my Hashimotos. Any experiences with this? Good or bad? I’m nervous about experiencing...
Did you get your thyroid checked? Thyroid issues can cause those symptoms too. Brazil nuts contain selenium which can boost your thyroid. Maybe gave you a bit too much of a boost depending on how...
Sandyfeet what are you taking for binders? My doc had me on CSM but It didn’t agree with me, i think maybe because it had sugar in it. I can’t afford the kind that doesn’t have sugar, so looking for...
Gotcha! Thanks! I got all three books, It’s going to take me awhile to get thru them! Especially since I have to google every other word LOL when I’m done with this current CSA tincture I might try...
I’m guessing red root was the most helpful for this. Red root aids in lymph movement. It is a coagulant, though, so Buhner recommends red sage instead for those who can’t take red root. It’s hard to...
I should say my most troubling symptom was migraines. Like meningitis type symptoms. Horrid stiff neck, ice pick in the head migraines. Triptans, ER visits, and muscle relaxers just took the edge...
I take CSA (cryptolepsis, Sida Acuta, alcornea), Houttuynia and Red root and those three got rid of A LOT of my symptoms. I started with Red root in June, CSA in July and Houttuynia in August. I have...
Does anyone use essential oils as part of your protocol in any way? Oils for detox? Oils for emotional support? Etc.... Interested to hear about any ways you are using oils. Or if you don’t, why? My...
I’m in the same boat. Hearing what has helped others on here has given me hope. For now I’m just trying to be patient and trust the healing process. It’s really hard though. Just gained 6 pounds more...
Yes “within normal limits “. Sorry! After years of writing charts notes, the shorthand and acronyms come out to play sometimes ;) T3 was low end of normal T4 was high end of normal...
Girlie yes definitely feeling a little hyper. Getting palpitations and tremors, feeling more anxious than usual. My TSH was <0.005 and everything else was WNL. Well, aside from my antibodies but...
Tashmash today at my appointment all my hormone bloodwork was normal, except SHBG was very high and my TSH is almost not even registering. Somehow in all this treatment I managed to go from hypo to...
Tashmash I have had the same exact thing happen to my cycle! Just had a bunch of hormonal bloodwork done and I follow up on it next week. I’ll let you know what the doctor says!...
This is very interesting!...
@sandyfeet Thank you for the reply! That is good to know. Just had a swab done for marcons, since my chief complaint is sinus pain, head pressure and migraines. My new doctor thinks I have mold...
Thank you! Yes that is very helpful! All I have for my gut right now is probiotics and saccharomyces boulardi (sp?) I have thyroid disease so that’s usually the first thing they check when my weight...
I know a lot of you had the opposite problem. I’ve gained 5 pounds this week. 20 pounds in the last 24 months. It really started packing on since I started abx last September. I had brief success...
I love it. I notice a big difference in the balance of my blood sugar and a decrease in sugar/carb cravings....
Thank you for the reply @chicknorris! Interesting info, I am also in Washington state....
What has been your experience with PICC lines and insurance. Any coverage for placement? Did they cover the medication at all? Particularly interested in hearing about Cigna if I can be that...
I got in Northern California...
Interesting! I have an appointment with my doctor Wednesday and I wanted to talk to him about getting off the ABX. It’s been 9 months and at this point all my remaining issues are medication side...
I’ve been doing the AIP (autoimmune protocol) for nearly two years. I started it because of my out of control Hashi’s but then discovered the lyme about a year ago. Only once I started treating the...
I’m having a hard time coming up with a good schedule to take everything without interactions with either food or other medications. I have to take thyroid medication in the AM with nothing else for...
I have bloodwork done but definitely not on a monthly basis. I started this whole process already with clean eating habits and strong probiotics so maybe that’s why the antibiotics are not bothering...
1)What kind of damage can I expect from long term use of Mepron/bactrim? I’ve been on it two months already and was told to expect to be on it minimum 4 months. It made me feel spacey and pukey at...
I feel ya! I also gained weight, like 15 pounds. Which doesn’t sound like much but it came on super fast and I’m a really small person so 15 extra pounds on me is enough that none of my clothes fit,...
The first pharmacy I tried was a local compounding pharmacy here in Portland. They only made LDN in troches and they were very expensive. Ive never had much success with anything in troche form. I’m...
It’s called belmar pharmacy they are in Colorado. I live in Washington so they ship it to me....
Oddly, the first time I tried it nothing happened. Then I started seeing a new doctor and he wanted me to try it again but from the pharmacy he trusts and uses. Now it helps my joint pain and energy....
Yes! I was able to get rid of some of the morning issues by getting a splint to wear on my teeth at night. Clenching and grinding your teeth at night makes your neck and head hurt a lot, especially...
Rare squirrel, I’d love the names but your email is not enabled. Mine is if you just want to message me? It can definitely be overwhelming, if I haven’t had a major health problem already in my past...
Thank you goshawk for the reply, those are great. Girlie how often are the appointments and what’s the cost is top of my list! I did not notice anything in the new to Lyme section but I definitely...
Sheeks175, I messaged you. Im wondering if it’s the same guy already on my list that came recommended. . Bend is about 3 hours away from me, going my consult here in Portland tomorrow goes well....
I now have some consults setup with a few doctors, but I am completely in the dark regarding what makes a good choice since Lyme is 100% new to me.. What are some questions I should be asking to...
I live in Camas Washington, willing to drive. My doctor told me I was positive for Lyme today and that it’s beyond his scope to treat it. He is also trying to find someone to refer me to. This is not...
No, the sleep side-effects did not last :(...
Well, after a long trial, LDN did absolutely nothing for me. Nothing bad, but nothing good either. Just nothing. Back to the drawing board.......
Astroman- I have one prescription. They are 6.0 mg troches that are scored into quarters. So I take 1/4 for a week, 1/2 for a week and then 3/4 for a week to get to the 4.5 mg. It was more cost...