For people who have tried both, do people tend to notice much difference between the two?...
I obviously don’t want to spam trying to sell something here but I have a braintap that I only used for a couple months. I’m trying to find a place where people in our community may go to buy used...
Of course....
Thanks Solaris. In the middle of starting bicillin injection now. Is that just recently been considered a first tier drug for it? I’ve only seen Dr K and this forum talk about it being used for adult...
Hi Solaris. Thanks for posting this. Is there any way to contact you to see how your doctor got you access to IVIG. I really believe my symptoms are from adult PANDAS but it seems almost impossible...
I ordered the bacillin shots from the Canadian pharmacy. Will they provide all the necessary materials to take them or is there anything you have to get on your own?...
Hi dcd, Is there a way I could get your email/contact you offline? Would love to get tips on getting IViG as I’m having a tough time right now. Thanks for any help possible....
Thanks for all the generous replies. Have tried a lot of the things mentioned here but will keep at it and let you guys know if I find something that helps....
Ya tried that as well. All sorts of different antibiotics and herbs for that...
Feel like I’ve tried just about everything under the sun and nothing will touch my 24/7 head pressure. Did; IV Cef Disulfiram, Bab Meds Every detox under the sun Countless herbals Nothing seems to...
Good to know. Thanks. Solaris let me know when dose you were prescribed if you don’t mind....
Do you weigh under 100 lbs? Or is this his standard dose. That article made it sound like 2.4 a week was standard...
Solaris what dose of the Bacillin shots were/are you taking. From this article here ( ) it sounds like Dr....
Just curious what people think. It sounds like antibiotics help a lot of people. Then there are a subset of people that don’t improve from antibiotics but improve from supporting the body whether...
Are people finding that Disulfiram is working well against their babesia?...
Ya mine did the same for the first 7-10 days but then never got dark again after. Thanks for the info girlie. I’ll ask my Dr....
Yes rifampin turning it red/orange for the first 7-10 days. And then it stopped turning that color. Which coincided with me not getting the same good feeling from it as I did for the first week or so....
Running wild. Ya I’m not sure if digestive enzymes do actually help absorb them. I will ask my doctor next phone call. Girlie- this is what I’m trying to figure out. Is it normal for urine color to...
Just came across this thread as I just started taking mepron. I think people have misinterpreted the study. They first compared taking TABLETS with toast, toast with lo fat butter and toast with High...
Has anyone ever taken digestive enzymes or anything like that to help absorb antibiotics? If so what did you use. Thanks for the help....
Thanks every one for their input. A lot of great advice. Much appreciated. I do have a lot of dreams so I’m guessing I’m getting into the the right cycles but I don’t know a lot about this stuff....
Curious if anyone else has this or any idea what this is. Whenever I go to sleep and wake up my brain feels so much more fatigued, numb, and just overall worse. I feel like I have to start from...
Just out of curiosity why is coartem pulsed every couple of weeks? Does it stay in the body a long time or something else? Thanks...
Have you looked into taking something for the stationary Bart? My doctor told me clotrimazole lozenges and methylene blue hit it from studies done....
Just curious if anyone has any advice on how to space out 1) antibiotics ( twice a day) 2) nystatin 3) probitiocs. I feel like they should all be taken away from each other but that can be tough to...
Interesting. Thanks for the responses. Thought I would ask because I know there was a lot of talk about autoimmune issues and autoimmune encephalitis. I was reading Dr. Frid interview. She...
Do some people treat all three main infections at once. Or do they usually break it up into Lyme/ Bart at once and then Babs/Lyme ? Thanks for any insight...
No problem at. Just thought I’d explain my situation in case others relate. It sounds like it is clinical diagnosis. Will keep people updated if I find anything that helps....
Saraeli and elvin, I’m sure those symptoms would happen with a herx but I’ve been having them 24/7 for years now even when not taking antibiotics. And things have been getting consistently worse even...
Aerose I read that a few weeks ago when you posted it and have been reading his blog ever since. Couldn’t believe how much that sounded like me. I brought that exact blog to my doctor and we are...
Aerose, My symptoms are a lot like yours. All brain, very few others. Mine don’t appear as severe as yours though ( no hallucinations etc) but very crippling to the point where I’ve been stuck in my...
Is there a Bartonella treatment that best gets to Bartonella in the brain. All my symptoms are in my brain. Thanks for any help....
Thanks for the advice everyone. I agree with you Potsnpans. Figured I’d ask in case people have been trying it without any problem doing both. Don’t feel comfortable doing it if it hasn’t been...
Just curious if anyone is trying this to cover all three infections. Thanks for the help....
Markus I would start with 125 every 3rd day or every other day for at least a week and see how you do on that first. Good luck....
Oo ok. Was not familiar with Dr. N. Seems like he would be even more familiar with the autoimmune aspect than even Dr J so the blog might be repetitive. But can’t hurt to try and get more insight....
I’m guessing someone has already mentioned this to you but just in case they haven’t this schedule may seem benign but I’ve read about doctors that put there patient on 62.5 or 125 once every four...
Take a look at this blog. Dr J is fantastic and so many of his blogs have resonated with me since I found it that a lot of doctors seem to have missed....
Hi Pagogo, Just curious what they did to treat his encephalitis? I was just reading a pamphlet today about PANDAS that describes some of your sons symptoms to a T. They specifically mentioned...
Also not sure if someone else has mentioned it but I would see if she could do a trial no dairy for a couple weeks and see how she does. Dairy can be extremely inflammatory so worth a shot if she is...
“She just came off 7 day abx break and those days are no different than days on abx. It’s so bothersome that we can not identify herx vs regular symptoms vs detox problems etc. I write down every day...
Anecdotally has DSF been working well for people’s babesia symptoms. I’m on it now and can’t distinguish between any of the infections at all since it’s all in my head. My doc wants me to do mepron...
Just curious if anyone has been to the most recent ILADS in Boston that cares to share what was talked about. Usually a bunch of good nuggets from them. Betterhealthguy posted some notes from it but...
Thank you so much. Hadn’t seen that info yet....
Things are still going well for me on disulfiram. Been a roller coaster for sure but very optimistic about how things are going. My doctor is unreachable for awhile so just curious if people have...
Dr Nathan deals with a lot of sensitive patients and he says most of his patients can’t tolerate an hour a day. He recommends only 15 minutes to start with and work up from there. You could be doing...
How can you even figure out the source of fusarium mold if ERMI doesn’t test for it?...
Agreed very confusing stuff Korrisa. I think you’d be better off finding a doctor that is familiar with mold toxicity. A lot of mainstream doctors won’t have any idea how to treat. I personally don’t...
From what I’ve gathered, different molds are treated differently. Some binders work on certain molds while not binding others. It looks like fusarium is best treated by charcoal and...
Just curious if anyone has treated this. What was your protocol?...