Hi Notime4lyme! Thanks very much for the suggestions and info. These suggestions are very helpful for me to put together a lyme diet snack bag for my husband. He will be glad to have some variety....
Hi The Dude Abides. Thank you for responding and for the info. So far, I have been easing my husband into a lyme diet. He has been more than willing to comply, because he became pretty ill from the...
Hi WalkingbyFaith! Thanks so much for the suggestions. You really gave me some good ideas. My husband will be happy to get some variety. I'll cut out the Slim Jims but may look into a healthier beef...
Hi everyone, I am new here. I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right place, but I did not see a forum specifically for a lyme disease diet. My husband was diagnosed with Lyme about a month ago. I did...