Hi Pickleball Player, I wanted to chime in to let you know what you described is exactly how I have felt off and on since getting sick about a year ago. I could completely relate to your comment...
Thanks Girlie and Bluelyme! By the way Bluelyme, it was your historical posts on this forum about BVT that got me curious about it in the first place. Your journey has been inspiring. Thanks for...
Hi - has anyone here gone through the Healhive boot camp? I put my name on the waiting list because I’m interested in trying BVT for my symptoms. I live in Massachusetts and I can’t seem to find an...
I agree that you can’t assume it’s Babesia, however, for what it’s worth, I had Covid 2 weeks ago and my Lyme symptoms that had been about 60-70% resolved, are back. I feel almost like I did when...
Thank you Garzie and Quin! I appreciate you sharing your thoughts/suggestions....
I’ve been dealing with Lyme and co-infections for the last year now (I was bit and had the bullseye rash over 10 years ago and didn’t treat at the time because I was told test was negative). After...
Can anyone recommend an LLMD in Los Angeles? Thank you!...
Thanks for all of the responses. Perhaps it is LPR? For those of of you who have experienced it, does LPR occur mostly after eating? I’m curious because sometimes I notice it before I eat anything at...
Thanks Girlie. I do get a hoarse voice sometimes too. Additionally, when I swallow after having a bout of this, my throat clicks. Thanks WalkingbyFaith - I have tried to cycle some of the supplements...
I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced issues with having to clear their throat a lot. It’s not a tickle but more of a slight dry feeling in my throat that provokes the need to clear. When it’s...
Thanks again - very helpful! About 13 years ago I had a bulls eye rash and doctor prescribed antibiotics but test came back negative so I’m sure I didn’t finish them. Fast forward to three years ago...
Thanks so much for your response dcd. I have occasional numbness - most often in my right arm, behind my neck and my back. Also experience muscle weakness from time to time. Over the last couple of...
Has any ever had a neural zoomer test by Vibrant Wellness? I had one done recently and the test results showed my level of anti-mag to be high. I don’t know a lot about this antibody but seems to be...
You could be on to something Rob. I’ve been tracking my BM’s since starting treatment last week and didn’t go yesterday - sorry for the TMI! I started lemon water last night so hopefully that will...
Hi Rob. Thanks for your response. Would you say it made you feel worse when you did TOO much sitting and laying down? Because I can understand that and did have few days early on when I would just...
Thanks for your reply WalkingbyFaith! I’m also suspecting MCAS could be playing a role. I don’t know a lot about it other than what I’ve read on this forum. Is there a way to tell the difference...
I’m wondering if anyone else has noticed their symptoms worsening when sitting. I’ve searched the forum but I don’t see any mention of this. I definitely have a Lyme lower back these days…achy and...
Girlie and CalmLittleBuddha, Thanks so much for your replies. I just picked up the RX and started it. I’m hoping this takes care of it and it won’t be a recurring Lyme thing....
Hi all. I recently received confirmation of my suspicion of Lyme disease. Tests showed me positive for Lyme, Relapse Fever, Bartonella, Anaplasma and Erlichia. I suspected Lyme so I’ve been...
Thanks JMF84 and Girlie! I had an appointment today with a chiro who does NUCCA. She didn’t adjust me today…just took X-rays. She’ll review and I’ll go back in a few days for her to tell me what type...
Hi everyone! I’m curious to know if anyone has tried this? My lower back is really bothering me and my body is completely out of alignment. I’ve heard getting an adjustment can be troublesome with...
Sarav39 - I’m so glad to hear your conversation with the doctor went well and you’ll be seeing them on Monday! I know it’s such a relief to talk to someone who understands. If you wouldn’t mind,...
I forgot to mention, I didn’t notice the numbness made it hard to swallow but separately my throat had been closing up at times last week (hasn’t happened in the last few days) but that of course...
Thanks for the info Garzie. I had found similar information…quite scary to think about. Sarava39 - my tongue was better yesterday and today. After scouring the web about it, I do think my tongue...
Hi all! I just found this site a few days ago and am simultaneously relieved and overwhelmed! My symptoms are very similar to Avi80r and sarava39. I had to post as well because my latest symptom is...