Hi So sad to see so many people from these invisible curses... GRRR :mad: I've been getting classic aura migraines all my life and since last year i've been getting these really long lasting, hot...
Hi Batman Fairly new to this site as well and recently started looking into Magnesium and its links to migraines, have started taking a daily supplement as its one of those things that isnt going to...
Always an aura, it seems like someone has cut a semi-cirlce line out of my vision and filled it with zig zagging, flashing lights. The whole area slowly moves to the left until gone. Incredibly...
Hi, Its so frustrating! I have classic migraines with aura's and sickness and over the last year have started to get these long-winded headaches that last for weeks aswell! It always starts out with...
/community/emoticons/smile.gif As a desperate measure yesterday after a constant week long headache with no sign of it letting up i had a session of acupuncture not really convinced it would make...
Hi Am new to the site but feel better already knowing i am not alone in suffering from a constant dull headache thats lasted for over a week and mainly localised at the right side of my head, at the...