Hi, Have you checked out this site? http://www.stresscenter.com/ It is a great site for people with anxiety and panic disorder. You don't have to purchase the program to go on there. They have a...
What kind of fibre supplements? I have Metamucil, would something like that do? I have also been thinking of trying Activia yoghurt. Anyone else have any good results with that? I don't have UC....
Thanks for the info. I will try reading the book and getting some fibre supplements.pb4, did you have endometrial ablation?...
Hi, Do you suffer with anxiety or panic attacks? Sometimes you can get symptoms like these with anxiety....
Hi, I had an endometrial ablation in July and have noticed that i am increasingly gaining weight. I am working out a lot, but my stomach seems like it is getting bigger. I feel like i have no control...
Hi, Thanks for your reply. You are right, it is really helpful and somewhat comforting to know that you are not alone. There is not a whole lot of help out there, especially if you don't have the...
Hi,I get auras without headaches. I started getting them back in 1990, after my first child, i was 25. I was so scared and thought i had a clot. I had MRI's and i was diagnosed with vascular...
Hi, Hazeldove, i also get a panic attack each time and i do believe it is because my body, without me consciously knowing goes into the fight or flight response, the adrenalin is released and before...
Hi, Does anyone else wake up with these auras???? I often wake up in the night, with the visual stuff happening, zig zag lines even when i close my eyes. Sometimes i think i am dreaming about it, and...
Hi, I am new here, but i have to let you know,i have felt a great deal of comfort reading all the posts. I have for years suffered with migraines, with pain. Starting back in 1990 after my first...