Yours fits the classic description of a cluster headache. These are not treated in the same way as migraine. High flow oxygen often is found to help, and there are other treatments. Anyhow, do...
Well, there used to be a fellow in town that did them, but he left. So, still looking. It is funny sometimes. Here we are in late june, the local neurologist's office called to try to get us some...
How did it go with your 2nd opinion appointment?...
There is a new article about your condition in the news. Search on Natural alternatives versus standard medications for vertigo, Meniere’s symptoms, and migraines...
See an ENT for vertigo to consider age related inner ear issues....
You've given the neurogolists a good chance. The cost of being screened by an ENT doctor would be a good idea due to the vertigo....
Watch out for the Nubain so often because it gets you out of the headache today but brings the next headache on sooner, even a couple of days later. Get off the opiates, find something else for a...
Sucralose / Splenda is a migraine trigger -- every time, even just a little bit....
Yes we have 'the plan', and 'the plan' said:, 'take these every day, take these if a headache hits, change nothing without talking to us first or you will regret it, and call us before you go to the...
Only because you've already tried the entire pharmacy, you *** SO *** need to get your CSF / spinal fluid pressure checked. Imagine a closed tall pipe with one little drain and one little water...
Well I try to stay measured in responses and let some time pass when letting a little time pass doesn't create risk. In this case I've asked (just by leaving messages) doctors themselves to...
If nobody has measured your spinal fluid pressure yet, that might be something to suggest. Especially suggest this if you get any kind of relief at all by laying down nearly flat but with your head a...
Looks like you've given neurologists their chance, have you had an ENT actually look up your nose (a major nerve complex that gives headaches is exposed deep inside there)? oral-facial pain...
Regarding inpatient headache specialty clinics: One thing I think people should really investigate carefully before going is how the clinic manages your case after you leave. Not what they say they...
First, you have no idea how grateful you should be that you don't get the pain after the auras or that they are only visual disturbances and you can still use your arms and so on. My wife has...
I hope your ENT sent his little flexible scope up there to look around and didn't just rely on the CT. I had a CT of my sinues which the radiologist decribed as 'septum at midline, no problems'. Then...
My son had just a terrible depressive / 'three year old in a teenage body' reaction to Gabapentine. This, after having had the same thing with Keppra and Topamax. His personality returned to normal...
Regarding the sucralose / Splenda and other triggers: We've been at this for a few miserable years and eliminated all the potential trigger foods and products, adding them back and watching and so...
All the science compares triggering a migraine to a water level rising to spill over the rim. People with migraines have them because something is, so to speak 'keeping the rim lower than it needs to...
Seems you've had about every look at your head there is (I'm assuming MRA and MRV also). So, you know, logic and all: it maybe shows up in your head but lives somewhere else. I see endocrinologist is...
I read the procedure is so easy a fellow had a headache on the golf course, did the med-soaked cotton way up the nose thing for twenty minutes and then finished playing! I am looking for an ER or...
Sara Reading your story, seems there are two avenues that matter you haven't mentioned as having explored. I wonder have you been evaluated for low CSF pressure? I ask because a specialty neurologist...
I have a son whose life sounds almost exactly like yours. Be sure you explain to your friends that if you don't show up to events they invite you to, it isn't because you don't like them. Make the...
As I was reading it, it reminded me of exactly what every ear, nose and throat doctor does every day in advance of getting their little scope up your nose to check for problems. Some long thin cotton...
Anybody had an experience with an 'SPG' block or Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block? I was reading a study where if the pain was almost always on one side nearish the eye lots of folk who tried the entire...
Our son tried that for about half a year. While it didn't help, it might have and there were fewer side effects than with many of the other things he tried. Just be sure to hold on to something when...
There was another person on this forum who really started having problems after surgery, I think it was after having a more difficult time than most having wisdom teeth removed. As I was reading your...
Bon Voyage Kristin I should have added that whatever comes in long contact with your skin can be a trigger and makeup is notorious. There is almost no regulations about what goes in that stuff and no...
Rule #1: Do Not Give Up. Rule #2: Write down what you want to ask about , what you want to get answered. Edit the list until it gets all the thoughts clear without losing facts about events. Why?...
When you go, try to take as little from home as you can. No cologne, no 'fancy actions whitening etc' toothpase, switch to unscented body products, simple unscented soaps, simple detergents, extra...
P.S. Avoid splenda / sucralose in particular and, basically, fermented or artificial anything. Also, does IV benadryl / toredal help? Might be something in your environment changed. New water...
One good thing about 'the spinal tap thing' you mention. A great many of the things that can be found there are fixable. Be sure whoever does it not only collects the fluid but gets an opening...
Yes that's the general experience I sense as well, pressure changes such as happen in the airplaines (lower pressure than normal), or swimming underwater (much higher pressure than normal) don't seem...
Not enough time has passed to really be fair about writing in public about our long inpatient experience. Maybe in six months or so with more perspective it will be the right time. There are some...
Folk should start treating their insurance companies like they treat particular medications. They either do or do not work for you. If they do not work for you, then you need a new one. If you are...
Remember that doctors are closer to scientists than they are to psychologists. They are not mind readers and if you are less than clear about what's going on and when it happened they have no choice...
Thanks for asking. In our case, he can have usual amounts of sugar such as in cookies or candy without effect. Even occasional chocolate doesn't provoke a headache. He's had aspartame without having...
P.S. One thing I'd really like to hear about is whether people who get migraines in advance of poor weather also always, frequently, sometimes or never get them when they take an airplaine ride. If...
We found the same problem with Splenda / Sucralose. Let him have one cookie we found out later had splenda, migraine within an hour. A shared couple of gummy bears with splenda, migraine with aura...
I have a young person who threatened suicide shortly after starting this. Got back to normal fast after he got off it. Tried Keppra and the same thing happened. Got off it, got better. Tried...
I think Annuk is correct. The treatments are different and you want the right one. There is help, go get it! Just take a printout of your posting with you to anyplace that treats headaches lots of...
Look up 'trigeminal neuralgia'. and 'Cluster-tic syndrome'. You might need an oral-facial pain specialist, or an othopedic surgeon or ENT more than a neurologist. There is a surgery that is like...
And there are lots of things which look like migraine and are not. If you are a parent and you see a kid vomiting and having unexplained serious abdominal pain that doesn't look like an infection --...
There is a study that shows the capillaries in the lungs modify seratonin in the blood in response to reacting with electrically charged particles in the air. Changes in brain seratonin levels are...
CSF leaks around the spine (not around the sinuses) can be hard to find. Search the web for specific doctors and hospitals where they have a good track record for finding these and plugging them....