It takes forever to get answers in here, what was ur question...
I grind my teeth all the time in my sleep, I would have never thought that could b contributing to my headaches!...
Next stop, night guards!!! Lol thank u!!!...
Thank you for sharing! I was really nervous about thay symptom!...
Thank u!! And yes I don't touch caffeine, at all...
Thank u for that tip, I am going to switch my whole diet up, just completely go organic!...
Thank you, I'm looking into cbt and dbt right now, I'm hoping my insurance covers it, I really need to get back to work...
Thank u, and yes, I consumed them a lot about a year ago. Idk if that makes a difference, I haven't since then though...
Thank you for responding...
Im not on any medication, I try to do natural things, medication scares me, I may need to trya low dose though...
hi, my name is Melissa, I have always had anxiety, but over the yrs it has gotten so bad, I have convinced myself I have ms or als, my legs n hands tingle and get so weak that they feel like they r...
Im a healthy 30 yr old other than anxiety and panic attacks. A year ago I felt an electric shock in my head and I lost some ability to use my arms and legs, I also had really labored breathing, and...
Does anyone get jaw stiffness or a a lumpy feeling in their throat as a part of their aura? :shocked:...