I have been battaling what i thought was acid reflux as long as i can remember. Even to the point of vomiting 2-3 times a week. Docs all said they didnt see why there was no scarring in my throat if...
Dont know for sure but mine have done it before and i thought at the time it was due to the light sensativity....
I have cluster migraines and narcolepsy and fibro and as a result i on many o cations have taken adirall whe i had a migraine. Never got the connection till i was out of imatrex. The migraine...
I was having very serious memory and cognative issues ... the members i have recently met here have called it the "fog" wich fits it to a T.. my big topper at the time was sleep. The pills they where...
Im in VA. But wish i was in alaska. Way out on a mountainside. Im a primative survivalist. I love living on the land and there is no better place then there. The long winters would where on me a bit...
Yes you did and thank you. She does work. In the evnings. I in the day. We swap vehicals at her work and i take a turn watching the kids. Its rough but she will be quitting in a month....
There is another thing you can help me with. My wife is having trouble dealing with my down time. She is very considerate but she has been shoreing me up in our home lives for 3 years now. Its...
Thank you all. CouchTater an allergist is the next step to see if it is agrivating the condirion. Acheybody thank lyou for straightning that mess. Ak Angel yes its a very physical job. But i dont...
Ok so long history of sleep disorders . Terrors till bout 10 says mom narco as long as I can remember (no catoplexy thank god) corse it wasnt diagnosed and i thought i was nuts till about 3 years...