Hello: This site has offered me a lot of help already. I am on the road to discovering what is triggering my mystery behind my frequent migraine attacks. I think I even had the neurologists stumped...
I think there is an imitrex injection out there now. You may want to try that. There is also botox injections. I would definetly talk to your neuro or switch doctors. I have also read in the news...
Occipital Migraines has anyone heard of this? A neurologist I was seeing diagnosed me with this and I cannot find any information on the internet about this particular migraine. He said if involves...
Hello Nicky: I was reading some of your earlier posts and came across that you are using botox injections and that your migraines also make your neck hurt. I am just wondering. Does the botox help...
Hello: I am new at this site. I wanted to ask you about your migraines and neck pain. What is your neck and back pain like and does it usually hurt with your head? I suffer with migraines and I also...