Dear Amanda, Thank God for what he has done for you! /community/emoticons/yeah.gif I hope you continue to do well. Just always remember that you can go to God for prayer at anytime, and seek him and...
Cutter, You are right about anxiety. When I received my results from MRI and they said it was normal, even though I still get the headaches, they have not seemd as bad thank God. I wish you the best...
Amanda, Your very welcome. It really helps when you have people to talk with that had similiar trials. This forum has been great for me because sometimes family and friends don't really understand...
Dear Amanda, I know it is easy to worry in the position that you are in. I was extremely concerned over the last few weeks, and what I have noticed my anxiety magnified all of the symptoms that I...
Yes, I certainly wish you the best and will keep you in my prayers. Is your blood pressure up at all? I was noticing many reasons recently that cause headaches other than migraines, or things more...
I went to my doctor yeterday and received results from my brain MRI. Praise god it was negative! The doctor said there were no abnormalities. Now I wonder what is causing my headaches, increase in...
Dear Ann, Thank you for all of your encouragement. I hope that you are right. I have lots of prayers going for me also and that makes me feel strong. I will definitely give you an update following my...
Dear alex, I have been experiencing very similiar symptoms that you have mentioned. I have had continual headaches begininning near the lower back of my head, going up to the top of my head,...