Hi Jon..welcome to the boards. I am fairly new myself. An opthamologist is an eye doctor..he is well versed in spotting diseases. He has been to medical school and that is his specialty. So, I would...
Welcome to the board Ritch. I am fairly new myself. I too have suffered with migraines since my teens. There is a lot of info and support here. I for one, if I were you..would still insist on having...
Thanks for the welcome Ashley! I went back to work last night..took a pill before I went....and I didnt start hurting til around 5:30 this am...my usual time I start hurting when I wake up on the...
Hi, I am Lisa. I am new here. I have suffered with migraines since my early teens(I am 41 now). I had them pretty bad when I was younger..went to a neurologist, he put me on Inderal and I had all...