I had an mri in nov 2007 with no contrast that was neg for lesions and one in june 2008 that was positive with contrast... they did an mri on my neck and spine on 8/1/08 that was positive and it was...
Thank you all for your helpful words I appreciate them all. Now if I can just work through the relationship problems that have arisen with me and my significant other (he is having a hard time...
Sorry it has taken me so long to respond but my hands... I will address everything asked and stated... I am allergic to baclofen to. I am on a tca which is a tricyclic antidepressant. It also has a...
I left out this part because i didnt think it was that important to the question. The med she tried to get approved by the insureance WAS Lyrica but they denied it because they needed me to try a tca...
This is long because I need to explain my situation in order for you to understand my question and where I am coming from. If this is not appropriate I appologise I am just confused an don't know who...