Good Morning, I am currently on a cobra plan. I am also in limbo. But I saw an add the other day for health insurance. It claims it can insure the uninsurable (pre-existing ok). I havent check iy out...
i think you were veryhelpful. i just feel so lost and confused all te time. you comment made me not feel crazy for a few hours, if that makes any sense. thanks gretchen...
Thank you very much. Yeah, I dont sugest anything to the Docs. Im just tired of going and re-explaining everything. And I hate watching them write stuff down. You just wonder what there thinking and...
Wow, I am undiagnosed as well. Imseeing a nuero Sept 26. But I know exactly what your talkig about. It drives me nuts, I wake up thru-out the night. I cant ev en grab theblanket to cover up. my hands...
! Also please excuse typos, kinda tough today. Ok, so 2 years ago i started havig nubness in myfingers on the left hand. Within a moth i started havin severe pain up my arm. I ended up having my...