hello again! yes gretchen I get muscle spasms in my lower legs all the time, but I think I might have the spasticity thing, not sure!i to also used to have great balance, wish I s still did!...
mri education, thank you for all that very helpful info.i think I'm going to bring up to my neurologist about a new mri. didn't realize all the different types mri for the brain.i had basic w and w/o...
thanks gretchen, I'm taking it one day at a time! for the past week I've been dealing with extreme pain in my left knee! I've had it before but not this bad or this consistently. is this something...
thank you fish Mike.i appreciate it.i already planned and so did my primary doctor on telling the neurologist after we get the results of my blood work back and after my Eng on Friday that he needs...
hello gretchen. thanks for the advice again! yes I'm sure the chiari will hinder any other dx since the symptoms are the same for so many other things. which does make this more aggravating and...
hello my name is jenn also! I do have chiari malformation! have tingling, arms, legs, pins and needles, sensory and balance issues. also going through testing for ms. please update me on your status....
thank you for the reply. I was pretty sure the new neurologist knew about the chiari, but when I go next Friday for the emg I will be sure to bring it up again! I also will ask about evoked...
I am glad you replied. thank you. yes I have had 2 mri's of the brain. one with and without contrast, all it showed was a chiari 1 malformation at the base of my brain, I also had a mri of the...
I was dx'ed with fibromyalgia by my neurologist yesterday but myself and primary doctor strongly feel its ms. mainly because a month ago I had temporary left leg paralysis for over 24 hours. I also...
hello Anita. my name is Jenn I an on the ms diagnosis wagon right now! my primary doctor feels strongly that its ms. but my new neurologist feels its fibromyalgia. myself and g.p. think ms. I also...