Thank you, everyone, for your advice and kind words. I'm already doing much better. I usually have great coping skills with a great family and good friends. The time I spoke of in my original post...
I've posted on HealingWell before, but not on the Depression Forum. I'm hoping to get some guidance from people that have been in my shoes before. I'll keep this as short as possible, and cut right...
I had a picc line earlier this year. I did infusions twice a day, and it was 1.5 grams in 300ml of solution in the eclipse balls (not the drip kind of IV). The first visit the nurse showed me how to...
I had IV Rocephin treatments last December. After 3 weeks I noticed improvements in most symptoms, but a week after that I had huge gallstones and my gallbladder had to be removed. About 5 days after...
sknight, I can relate to the crazy heart rate. Sometimes it feels like every time my heart beats the pressure squeezes my brain. If I lay down, my blood pressure actually rhythmically lifts my head...
I've been treating with various antibiotic regimens since last November. Oral abx, then IV rocephin, then IV vancomycin, then more oral abx, and now I'm on Alinia, Tindimax, Rifampin, and Factive....
Adrenals? I don't know if we've done anything to specifically check those. Thyroid? It's out of whack, but my doctor's aren't exactly sure why. I was seeing an endocrinologist for while, but she...
I wondering if anyone else feels like their symptoms are worse when they wake up, whether from sleeping all night or just from a long nap. I've never been a morning person, so I know what it's like...
I'm having trouble finding a new doctor in Central Florida. Can you all send my your info? I have tried several doctors as well, so I can share information with you, too....
I lost vision in one eye one time, last year when my migraines were REALLY bad. It was like my vision narrowed down to nothing and then I saw flashing/shimmering shapes. I'm told that was a migraine...
It took me a while to get a good schedule for my meds. I take a couple abx that say to take with food, and I take others that say not to eat for 2 hours before and 3 hours after. Here's how I settled...
I took IV Rocephin, 1g 2x/day, for a month. Long story short, I got gallstones, and had to have my gallbladder removed. I had an ultrasound done before I started, to make sure everything was fine...
I'm just going to vent for a little while. The LLMD I had was my first choice, but my insurance wouldn't let me see him until I tried Infectious Disease doctors nearby. After several doctors laughed...
My LLMD has me on Serrapeptase and Nattokinase with my abx. He said it helps eat away the protective (I think he used the word 'mucous-like') layers that can protect the bacteria from abx....
I'd say you definitely want to talk to your doctor to make sure you're treating the right things, but I'll tell you it took my a LONG time to have a good day. I started last year with oral abx, then...
I get pain in all my joints, but the worst and most persistent is my left knee. Driving my manual transmission car is extremely painful, and sometimes I just can't do it. That terrible feeling you...
Wait, I'm not supposed to eat when I'm on Rifampin? I'm also on Factive, Alinia, and Tindamax... can I eat with those? So far I've just been avoiding dairy when I take them. I already avoid eating...
Jess, I was sick for 2 years before I found out I had LD. All of the symptoms you listed sound very familiar. My neurologist diagnosed me with tons of things, and thought MS was causing everything,...
You are all too kind. I don't like making you worry, so I need to give you an update. Besides, sharing my story might help others in the future. I finally listened to you all and got checked out and...
I'm terribly sorry for worrying everyone like this. You are truly good people, and I hate upsetting you. I wasn't updating because I'm knew you all would not be happy with what I'm doing... namely,...
Wow, look at these responses. I typed that post up earlier and went to lay down... and now that I'm up for another dose of vanco, I see that I have some great, heartfelt advice. I was honestly hoping...
I haven't been checking in on this site in a while because things have been a little crazy for me. I need some experienced Lymers to tell me if my situation is normal, if I'm getting better, or if I...
I'm finishing my second week of IV abx, and I'm getting the hang of my new diet. I was told by my doctor to avoid carbs, sugar, and of course alcohol. Even though I'm a true beer geek, I hadn't...
Thank you, Mystery! I figured if I had to ask, it wasn't a problem. I'm sure I am just experiencing the normal discomfort that comes with putting antibiotics in your veins. Since you calmed my...
I’m worried my IV isn’t in the vein anymore, though I’m pretty sure I’m just thinking about it too much. I just started IV abx 5 days ago. I have the eclipse medicine balls that I hook up to my...
I was healthy physically, mentally, and spiritually when I got sick. That year (2011) was the best of my life (up until I was suddenly in the hospital)! I'm in the military, and I was exercising...
Knack, I'm right there with you. I just had my second LLMD appointment on Friday, and they're setting up my oral and IV abx right now (have to get the test dose first). So much happened at the...
I was on Topamax earlier this year for migraines, and I had side effects that made me stop taking it. It helped with the headaches and even helped me lose a few pounds that the Depakote had packed...
I talk a lot about everything, and I'm fine talking about Lyme Disease, but (like you) I won't bring it up on my own. While I'll talk freely about the disease itself, I don't "share" how I'm feeling...
Razzle, I give myself shots of B-12 once a week. Only 1ml. My most recent labs show that I'm not technically "low" on B-12 anymore, but I'm definitely not in the normal range for someone my age....
This topic and all of your replies are the greatest things I've read on this site... and I've read some POWERFUL stuff here. I usually just sit back and read and feel comfortable knowing I'm not...
Thank you so much for all the information. I do have low B-12 and testosterone levels, but that's been going on since I first got sick in 2011 (along with thinning hair on my head), and this hair...
These two symptoms might be my strangest ones, and I'm wondering how they relate to LD. If I do just a little walking my feet start turning red. It usually starts around the toes, and spreads across...
I also just had my first LLMD appointment last Thursday, and I've also been wondering how my appointment stacked up to others. I'm obviously no expert, but at least we can share experiences. My...
I always try to keep a positive outlook and even a sense of humor in my times of trouble. Yesterday I was trying to think of names for my Fantasy Football team this year, and I settled on the title...
Tom, I've had doctors here tell me that they see an alarming amount of people from my area with wild diseases. Maybe it's because of the military grade housing and buildings? I live near Patrick AFB...
Tom, I'm over on the east side, near Cocoa Beach/Cape Canaveral. But, I'd love to hear everything you know! Do you see an LLMD around here? Bluebyyou, I'll shoot you an email. My list of symptoms...
I browse through the forums and just see symptom after symptom that I've never shared with anyone (other than my wife) because I didn't even know how to describe it. This is one of those. I tried to...
After over a year and a half of symptoms I recently tested positive for Lyme Disease. I am working on seeing an Infectious Disease Specialist, but I'm told I really need an LLMD. Does anybody have a...
I can't express how thankful I am for all the responses. Not only on here, but the emails as well. I've already learned that the LLMD is separate from the Infectious Disease Specialist (that was my...
Hello, all. I've been sick for over a year and a half with several neurological issues. I've been tested for Lyme Disease in the past, but I just tested positive for it. Before this my neurologist...
Not only am I new to this site, but I'm also new to epilepsy. Still, I feel your pain. I love helping out at work and at home as much as I can, and I try to hide my symptoms because it hurts my pride...
Please help, I'm at my wits end! I'll try to keep this post as short as possible, but I have so many questions and issues! I have been having neurological issues for 16 months now. It started with...
There are a few things my doctors are trying to help with my fatigue. One is a CPAP machine. I did a couple sleep studies that showed I had sleep apnea. I do feel much more rested in the mornings......
Tricia, a lot of that does sound familiar! First, let me say I've been told by my neurologist that I have MS, but he can't give the diagnosis until he sees white spots on an MRI. I've been diagnosed...
Hi, Britt. I'm as new to this site as you are, but hopefully I can help a little, or at least let you know you're not alone here. I haven't been diagnosed with MS, but my neurologist says he is...
Jordan, I'd like to know how things turned out with your blood work. I've had MS symptoms for over a year now, but all MRIs (head/neck/back) and a lumbar puncture came back clear. I have a B12...
Hi, maezyaya, I'm also brand new to this site. One thing real quick, you may want to post your question with a more specific title. There may even be a thread that is already started that your...
I don't think I can help too much because my doctors are between diagnoses, but I can relate. You're not alone! I've been getting migraines for over a year now, and I frequently get blurred vision or...
I hope this thread still gets checked. If so, I hope someone has enough time to read what I'm guessing will be a very long post. Thanks in advance! I'll start by saying I've had problems for over a...