Hi, My husband had his reversal 2/1/08, 7 weeks ago. He has constipation. A week ago the nurse suggested clean out with Milk of Mag, which he did and cleaned out all night, then he was to take 2...
Thanks, Sue. I have heard the six week increment for improvements. I'm just over eager for things to get back to normla. I'll go to j-pouch for info, but I don't understnad the pouch. Is that for if...
Congratulations on your upcoming reversal, donut. My husbnad had his takedown 2/1 after 5 month ileostomy. The dr cut a few inches of (I think) the ileum where his stoma had been, and left the...
MyPoopChute, Wow, what an ordeal you have been through. Sounds like you are walking and looking forward in your life. Good deal. Your comments have been helpful and hopeful. Thanks. Ken has a good...
Jetta3, I wish your family well. I can't believe they fed him such a heavy meal in the hospital. I couldn't believe either when they sent up a full meal including salad for my husband. We were under...
Right on, jetta3. A person who had gone through such surgeries would not only be sensitive, but have some experience. It seemed like our nurse was speaking of a regular healthy diet. But someone who...
MyPoopChute, Did you have some of your colong removed? If so, how much? Have you fully recovered from the reversla of you ileostomy? My husband had an ileostomy 9-5-07 (10" colon removed), with...
I see I made an error on my last reply and don't know if I can edit. So, I'll repeat that my husband had his takedown 2-1-08 after having ileostomy 5 months (since 9-5-07). Now he is very frustrated...
My husband had a takedown 2-1-08 after ileostomy since 9-5-08. Now he has, like "farmers daughter" and others, the constant urgency to have a bm, which he does I guess pretty good, but very often...
I'm new at this. I just posted a response, but didn't click submit, so I'm not sure it was posted. Regarding ileus and takedown, I can only respond to how my husband's takedown has gone. I don't know...
Donut, Myhusband had reversal 2/1 after 4 months of ileostomy. I think he was on liquids the day before takedown, and we did fleet enemas day before and morning of. Surgery went well. After surgery...
Hi, I'm new with forums etc. My husband had ileostomy 4 months with takedown 2/1/08. I'd like to respond to the last question about odor. We used M9 product from Hollister with good results. It's a...