I am so happy that things worked out for you. 80% of people have absolutely no problem and 20% do. I am in that 20% range. The muscles just do not want to make the change that my body did. I am...
Thank you so much. I did change my profile so me email is visible there. Thanks again. Shaz032...
How is she doing presently? I have a j-pouch now for 5 years....
I have had the rectum removed but due to Ulcerative Colitis. I go approximately 20 x's a day. I know something that can help as it is currently helping me. Now I go 7-8 x's a day. It slows down the...
I had UC for 15 years and then in 2005 had partial colon removal and had a blood clot in the chest. Took 2 surgeries to have all colon removed. May 2006 had J-pouch connected and have had to deal...