hello leslie no i dont mind at all , i lost my beautiful boy because of an immune deficiency problem he was fine when he was first born but at three months got very sick and was rushed to hospital...
leslie my deepest sympathy to you , my heart aches for you and i feel your pain to loose our child in such needless circumstances is a pain we should never have to go through , i lost my son 22 years...
congratulations, when my stoma done the dissappearing act it was because i was dehydrated good luck...
hi tracy i have a parastomal hernia it started small like yours and over the space of two years has grown to the size of orange . i am not happy either was so good to have a flat stomach for a bit...
uc during the day i dont have ballooning but some nights i do depends on what iate for dinner have a high output so empty at least twice at night so does nt really bother me...
i use coloplast one piece drainable very easy to clean no leaks or ballooning , allergic to wafers on dansac, hollister , convatec jackarat /community/emoticons/tongue.gif ...
sno i checked out the web for coloplast australia and america it looks like they call the bags alterna inaustralia and assura in america so no wonder you couldnt find them !...
sorry you cant find them sno, i am from australia maybe they dont stock them in america ? prehaps you could call coloplast and ask if they are available in there...
i used the coloplast sensura and always had trouble with the bag ballooning and leaking especially at night , switched to coloplast alterna i dont have any ballooning or leakages any more and been...
sorry christine must of misunderstood , i have colitis and he wants to leave about 5 to 6 inches of my rectum dont know if this will cause me further troubles not so sure i even want to go head with...
christine i have been following your story with a lot of interest and i am sorry you are still having so many problems i do hope the bleeding and discharge stop soon so you can get on with your life...
thank you , i have a autoimmune disease and it caused colonic inertia thats why i ended up with a loop ileo i dont have ulcerative colitis i cant begin to imagine what you guys have been through ....
hi havent posted in a while but always keep up to date with what is happening on the forums had my ileostomy for two years now and things have been fantastic except for a severe episode of colitis at...
i had a loop ileostomy done two years ago because of colonic inertia , my life was a breeze for the first 15 months and then at xmas i had a attack of colitis lot of abdominal bloating days of...
bennie my deepest sympathy to you and your family , my thoughts and prayers are with you all at this very sad time jackarat...
i am so sorry you are having to suffer so much it must be awful for you , i cant offer you any help either except i would seek a second opinion as soon as you can , good luck hope you get some help...
hi guys i think i have had a dose of food poisoning , my output is pure water and i am emptying at least every hour , along with nausea vomiting cant keep anything down , my question is should i see...
easy decision i have ever made !!!!!!!! no ifs or buts about it , after being sick so long and drinking bowel prep every week to have a bm , couldnt wait to have it done ...... if only there were an...
thanx shaz brown sugar wow that blows me away too , my stoma is definetley shrinking back to its original size i guess the swelling from the surgery is starting to lessen so maybe the pressure off...
thanks ohio i changed my bag a short while ago and i think my stoma is shrinking a little ,so might just wait a while and see what happens. sort of had enough of drs and hospitals for now...
i dont have a colostomy so im probably not much help but i had a ileostomy done last year and like you was very nervous , my op went well and my recovery was all good , its only natural to be nervous...
my stoma has prolapsed after having a hysterectomy , the surgery was only a week ago and i was wondering if any of you guys have had this , will the stoma shrink back to normal size when everything...
hi and thank you , i havent had a defecography ever i really just had to strain and out it plopped so maybe thats why i never had one i had the surrgery to repair through my anus as well so recovery...
hi hodaya it certainly was frustrating, my gastro used to tell me it was a pile hanging out even though he had never taken a look only time he ever came near my bum was when he did a colonoscopy and...
hi lawd i had rectal prolapse a couple of years ago and had surgery to repair it , i know the pressure you are talking, about even sitting is uncomfortable , i also had surgery via rectum -they...
thank you for your replies ithis is different to the normal mucous i usually get about once a week it is enough for me to have to resort to wearing a pad as my undies would be soaked . i dont have...
i also forgot to mention that my stoma actually has prolapsed after the surgery as well and have had to change my apliance to a two piece has this happened to any of you also thank you again jackarat...
hi i was wondering if any of you could help me ? i have had a loop ileostomy done 10 months ago because of colonic inertia , chronic constipation that resulted in a rectal prolapse that i had...