I am glad my reversal was May 18th. I love swimming with a passion. but when I had my ostomy, it would start coming off everytime I took a shower. usually by that night, I would have to change it so...
I just had an ileo reversal done on May 18th. I had a colostomy for 6 months. went for reversal on March 16th and was horrified to wake up with an ileostomy. had the ileo for only 9 weeks and now...
What about the ones that flip you upside down? You think that would cause leaks. Do any of you do waterparks? My fiancees mom has a permanent ileo. She does swim but doesn't like waterparks. She says...
Been having tons of nausea since I got home from hospital. Making it hard for me to eat or drink. Tried every nausea meds and they are not working. Ended up in er back on Ivs for dehydration....
yes, he warned me about the possibility of the illeo before going into surgery. but he said it was extremly slim. guess I got the short end of the stick. I am already connected. but a 2 hour surgery...
Going home from hospital today. Barium enema in 6 weeks. Hopefully only 8 weeks to deal with this darn bag once more. Then full reversal In hopefully 8 weeks. 8 weeks should go by fast....
I am only 34. Guess I am having a hard time coping because I am young. Just had a breakdown in bathroom. Went to empty and Velcro clip came off. Had to sit on toilet waiting for a nurse to bring me...
Been having a colostomy since sep 13th 2010. Due to severe endometriosis that got in my colon. Went in the hospital on march 16th to get it reversed. Couldn't wait for the bag to be gone. It made my...
I am 34 years old and have been living with a colostomy since September 13,2010. 6 months and 3 days. due to severe endometrosis that got wrapped into my colon. tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. ready to...
yeah I guess you are right. before I had emergency surgery on the Sept 13th, I knew what colostomy bags were. as I know several people that have them. but never knew what a stoma looked like or that...
I am not too concerned about the scar but very curious just want this bag gone. my situation is diff than most on this forum. I don't have chrones or colitis. just severe endometrosis that wrapped...
don't know if my insurance will pick up plastic surgery....
having my reversal in 5 weeks in March 16th. been living with a temp colostomy due to severe endometrosis since Sept 13th. endometrosis tissue caused a nearly complete bowel obstruction. I am not...
everything! I have a colostomy though and not an illestomy. mine is only temporary though due to emergency surgery. from a bowel obstruction caused by severe endometrosis. I get reversed hopefully in...
They didn't give me a choice about irrigation. sometimes my stoma will be dormant almost all day. but it always wants to end up being active at the worse times. like a few days ago at my family's...
I know most on here is on this forum due to chrones or colitis. this is my story. I am 34 years old and right before Labor Day weekend, I started running to bathroom like every 20 min. to pass blood...