Rachel's mom.....can I ask how much periactin she was taking each day? I started my son on 2mg twice a day and now he is having 2mg 3 times a day but he is still down, in fact he is down a bit more...
Hey.....Thanks for that great info. I was going to contemplate driving to the us this weekend to get some benecalorie as I thought the product info said it was "tasteless" and you could add it to...
also...I can't seem to get benecalorie in Ontario Canada so I might have to find a way of getting some shipped to me from the USA ......or drive 4 hours across the border to get some!!...
Hey there.....this sounds ALOT like my son who had a bowel perforation surgery which led to a temporary ostomy Nov. 10th. He came home from hospital Dec.12th and hasn't gained a single pound!! I am...