Fair enough. I actually have no need of it myself. I have been taking immodium along with some recently added pepto and find that my poo has zero stink. But it didn't stink much before either. So I...
...and holds lotsa lotsa water that creates a slippery slimy messy jelly blob that will move practically anything thru the pipes...and it looks cool having a big gooey blob of orangy brown glop plop...
triple shot of metamucil, chase it with lots and lots of water swallowing some mineral oil may help soak in a hot bath - massage abdomen especially around stoma - different body positions (knees to...
I noticed at the store the other day that the peroxide mouthwash products are 1.5% rather than 3% and all advise spitting the product out. Also it is thought (according to google) that oxidizing...
There is possibly some risk with b_i_s_m_u_t_h (devrom/pepto/etc) though - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/4818163 I think I do recall trying pepto for stinky poo a couple years ago and if I...
No extra stoma here but you can often find stoma caps on ebay really cheap. In fact this morning when I did my usual ebay search for coloplast products I ran across some for 6.85 for a box of 5 if I...
holy cow :shocked: if I empty more than four times a day then I wonder what is going on very true, 800 is closer or at least it seemed like it sometimes...
sounds like tenesmus and yea that is the nature of the beast...
Actually I have always heard you should dilute it 50/50 to use it even as a mouthwash. Also, it seems to me that using it once a day for five seconds in your mouth and spitting it out would be quite...
Are you able to do everything you want/need to do? If so then be happy and call it whatever you want. If not then do something different until you are able to be happy. I got tired of never being...
I got to a point where it always seemed like I was about to explode even when I had an empty colon (tenesmus) and it was hell... Some days it was just going back and forth to the bathroom, back and...
I go to google for any ostomy issues, a quick search and I have all the info I need. When I had a few granulomas a quick google search told me that I needed silver nitrate sticks to correct the...
I certainly would not use straight peroxide although it would likely be safe if diluted. I never found anything to really be useful in neutralizing odor. You may use something and think that it works...
If I use any one product too long then my skin starts getting mad at me. So I switch around a bit. I do find coloplast products to be the least irritating for me. So nowadays I go from assura regular...
I just flip the end of my pouch up and undo the closure and let the stink out. Of course do not try this if your pouch is half full :) I have never found the vents useful or even functional. It...
cheap supplies = ebay keep a watchful eye out for your favorites and snag them up cheap...