Hi. Just wanted to tell others who may rely on Nuun tablets for hydration that Target is having a Nuun sale. $5 a tube. I purchased a bunch in my local store this afternoon, but also checked online...
Hi Ben, glad to hear you've had the surgery and are recovering so well! My son is newly 22 and ten months out from his surgery. A life without daily meds, pain, and missing out on fun times with...
I'm the mom of former UC sufferer. My son was diagnosed the summer after his freshman year in college. His symptoms had begun developing around Christmas. Less than two years later, several hospital...
My son had his permanent stoma created six months ago. I absolutely never notice an odor. I was concerned that would be an issue, but it hasn't been the case at all. The odor of the output was quite...
Apparently, it was steroid acne. It's almost gone now. It's a lot better than it was. After reading about it, I can't understand why doctors didn't figure out what it was sooner....
I was merely a witness to the nasogastric tube, and I agree with GC's opinion about it! My son wasn't prepared for that. I wasn't prepared for that... He lost 20lbs during his 19 day stay in the...
Surgery is a very big deal. Equally so, is the decision to take medications when there are side possible effects or an extension of ongoing interruption of your life while experimenting to find out...
Ben, My son's symptoms began suddenly during his freshman year in college. He assumed he'd developed hemmoroids because of pain in that area. UC often begins in the rectum. Within 4 months of that...
Hi Ben, I lurk about on this board from time to time because I have a son who was dxed with UC two years ago when he was just 19. I've found the people here very knowledgable and supportive, so...
Wow. Yeah that actually helps. I hope the dermatologist can help get this under control. I would think having "cured" the UC with surgery, this would have gone away for good. I guess it's coming back...
Since there's so much knowledge stored here.... Does anyone know about colitis associated skin issues? My son has had red bumps that look sort of like folliculitus since the uc began. He cleared up...
Clarabella, The people who chimed in to respond to my original post helped me to keep his difficult recovery in perspective. Left to my own thoughts, I imagined the worst outcome like you mentioned....
I'm so glad. Even though it was a tough 2 years post diagnosis, and a difficult decision to choose the end ileostomy, and then a difficult 18 day stay in the hospital after surgery...... I feel...
He actually picked up his bass and played today for the first time. Was wondering how it would go with the bag and the stoma placement. He played until he had blisters. Haha. The new plumbing didn't...
It's been really very positive since he was discharged from the hospital. He saw his doctor and his stoma nurse yesterday. They're very clutchy with him after the way things went initially. The...
So he came home yesterday. 18 days after his surgery! Wow. Wasn't expecting that long of a hospital stay. His stoma continued to hiccup along with an on and off recovery until Saturday when it just...
He's been in the hospital 2 weeks and a day as of today. He was just shaking his head at that reality today while we walked around the wing. We can't believe he's still in the hospital....
She's willing to make a revision, but has been unable to determine if that will be the cure to the problem or if it will further complicate his recovery. Today it appears they've decided that in the...
Yes, he is walking a lot. They gave him an extra liter of fluids in an IV and some miralax this morning after a night of very little output. Very quickly, his stoma began putting out a lot. they are...
Bania, is what my son's doc is proposing a revision? I guess that's what's going on. She suggested his stomach muscles are too tight. Everything seems to get trapped in his intestines. The catheter...
They are considering a second surgery to make the area around the stoma output less tight... His surgeon has said that in 20 years she's never had to edit her surgery, but that she thinks this may be...
That's all very helpful information. I really appreciate that you took the time to chat with me about what the healing process after this surgery can look like. I've been reading through a bunch of...
Thank you, cupcakegal. While mentally preparing to be supportive of this surgery, I may have gravitated towards the stories with the easiest recoveries and more instant happy endings. I have a...
Hi. I have come to this site frequently over the past 2 years as my son was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. 2 weeks ago, he had the total proctocolectomy and an end ileostomy created. He decided...