Is it possible to choke your stoma with an eakin seal by mistake? Yesterday, I had to make the hole smaller as part of my skin was red. I went from a 28" to a 25". There's no skin. There's output,...
You might just have active colitis still. I had surgery in March and have bleeding in the morning still from it. It'll be better now that you have the bag, but because you have a piece of colon,...
I freaked myself out because my output is very red until I remembered I had red food (sauce and fruit punch, two things I typically couldn't have with UC). I'm a bit worried because the output is...
The ostomy nurse preferred the hospital bags and because they functioned, there were no samples. But now the sides are coming up and I'm not sure how to keep them down...
I'm using the hospital bags they gave me, I don't have a two piece atm...
My disease lasted 3 years, but I tried everything. Halfway through trying everything, right as I was going to try humira, I knew. At the time, I missed graduation and fun with my friends because my...
I know this post is old, but I understand completely. I'm 20 and had battled severe UC for 3 years. I was so tired and literally planned out everyday to function. You should get the surgery. I was...
I just had my surgery and I know my stoma fairly well. I know when to change it now and how, but I can't seem to get the bag to fully stick on. The wafer sticks on, but the bag itself unsticks near...