Hi, I do not have a colon, (if you wre talking to me) it was taken out after second bout of pertinitis..Anyway, I have been eating the same diet each day and I never know if I will have the big...
Thanks, I will definetly ask my doctor. I was just trying to see if my body would figure it out on its own. I had diveticililus for many years and suffered prior to having the 1st surgery, which went...
Wow! I look forward to having a somewhat normal life after take down of ilestomy on 04-19-10. It has been approx. 3 weeks after surgery. I am concerned about going back to work, I am thinking around...
Hello, I had my take down on 03-19-10 and was scared out of my mind. Not knowing what to look forward for recovery. I was excited to say that I did well after the surgery and was sent home 5 days...
Thanks, that makes me feel better.... Well, I can see the outline of the stoma because it is touching the top of the pouch..I changed today was larger in size. Looked like a mushroom with one side...
I am Jan and now have an illestomy April 09..due to taking 22" out of my colon and rettached. After going home from surgery to find out the colon came apart where attached back. I had to have...