2 weeks after reaching a pretty good dosage I started to experience blackouts. My neurololgist has called them amnesia statesbut they seerm more lke a blackout to me. During these episodes I was...
I also have the internal tremors alot and they can be just as disturbing as my hand tremor. My suggestion is to talk freely with your doc about[b] your questions about the diagnoses,but continue to...
lizzy4451- Hithere everyone, I'm also new to this forum and was diagnosed 1 year ago. Right now i am taking sinemet and Mirapex and i feel that my symptoms are progressing fairly fast recently. My...
Hi everyone I am on both sinemet and also Mirapex. I was diagnosed 1 year ago although my tremors started over 12 years ago.I believe I'm considered earlyonset since I'm 46 yea.rs old.I was not...