Well, the nursing home placement for us ended 3 weeks later with my father's death. It was a very nice facility. However, he required much more attentive care than they could give, and his condition...
alisa b....if you're still out there....I am so sorry that I didn't reply...I am a bit new at this chat room stuff and I am still fumbling around with it. That is interesting about your dad and the...
mickie's I just wanted to say to you that you are NOT alone. I have learned ...from this PK chat room, that we caregivers are ALL experiencing similar problems and delimas.Some days are harder than...
[b] it.I want to honor my Father and earthly father too but I cannot deal with the stress much longer........It may sound cold, but if I knew my dad wouldn't last for years I would keep him here and...
[color=blue> ] this is "ben's mom" again talking to you. [b][color=#0000ff>I] it. Good luck.....Ben's mom[/color]...
alisa b... Thanks so much for your reply. I looked at a care facility today. It was clean and spacious and included activities for the residents also. Please don't feel guilty about putting your dad...
to anyone out there: At what point do you turn the care of your parent over to a nursing home facility? We have tried twice to leave my dad and it is too painful for me to cope with. I have put my...