Hi, The Prostate Cancer Charity in the UK has been entered into London's biggest creative challenge. Please visit http://www.upeveryonesstreet.co.uk/wildcards to vote for their advert "Sorry, must...
Julia, Zoladex blocks testosterone from the testes, Casodex works differently blocking any free testosterone including adrenal glands. Thanks Col...
Hi, I have been on the UK NHS clinical STAMPEDE trial since December of last year, randomised with standard HT and Celecoxib (4 x 200Mg a day). Due to the fantastic response of HT (PSA down from 136...
Hi, My PSA remains at 0.3 after 6 months on Zoladex (plus 4 months on Celecox as part of clinical trial) and my Oncologist has stated that the good response to HT (PSA down from 136) indicates a...
Thanks for all the kind posts and thanks Tony for the recomendation of Dr Charles Myers 'Beating Prostate Cancer: Hormonal Therapy & Diet. I have managed to track down a copy which makes...
I got my copy from www.amazon.com and they still have 1 copy left....
Hi Tony, Good to hear from you. My PSA level was 131 and Gleason rating of 10, hence the importance of keeping it at bay for as long as possible. I am considered stage 4 although scans have not shown...
I am a 55 year old and have just started hormone injections (Zoladex) to control my prostrate cancer. I have been offered the opportunity to join a clinical trail which is looking at new drugs that...