Thanks again Lorsloline: I called my physician late this afternoon. I had not taken my temperatuure until yesterday because I did not feel hot. It was about 99.6. Took it at 4:30 today and it was 100...
Thank you Lorsloline: I too wish a full recovery for your husband. I certainly appreciate the advice and the info on what your husband went throuth to date. They did 12 biopsies on my and yes I just...
My best to you. I've just begun the process so I cannot give any info like these qualified gents on here. The thoughts of a catheter really get me uneasy. William...
Hi guys: I apolisize for perhaps being too graphic. After all, this is not a "tell your sex story" site. I know, too much information. I'll go back and clean it up and try to make my point. And yes...
RSteve: I am often thought about that since we were around that crap at times. I certainly hope it does not effect you in the future. My best to you and thank you for your service Bro. Well, what...
You guys are great. I commend you for taking the time to listen to a stranger. Yea, the butt is a little better today. Feel like I got racked in a strange place after a mikey was given to me....not...
Again, thanks gentlemen: Yea, I did the biopsy today and most of them were not painful but about 4 or 5 were a little painful. Total of 12 done. No news of course....the usual 8 to 10 day lab result....
Thanks Puratory: And thank your for your service to this country. We are so fortunate to have been born int the USA. God speed Willaim...
Thanks fellows: I appreciate your advice. I'm just a lone individual with no close family to lean against. Remained home from work for two days to ponder the situration. First time in 3 years I used...
Age 65 in another two months and I'm not a happy camper about finding out that I supposably have Prostate cancer. Need your help and advice. This Monday I got my tests back and they said I tested...