Cowboy Robert, There are alternatives to the rubber constriction bands you need to consider. I have found that alternatives make all the difference, between a =mouse trap feeling and a controllable...
While yes it is true that oral sex (I suppose that is your point) can be acheived, a woman cannot gain and maintain an erection suitable for sexual relations, in the usual manner....
/community/emoticons/blush.gif Dear CB Bob, I might not be the best expert in Minnesota but I know a lot, after two + years of very frequent and successful use of the pump. Contact me personally if...
Sonny, those of us who quietly read, observe and pray for the whole brotherhood also wish you only the best results and the love and grace of your God. Peace, love and healing, RIS0149...
Sonny you are right on. My wife and I received a copy of "Making Love Again" from the coordinator of the MDX 010 experimental drug study, and Dr. Kwon, from the Mayo Clinic, who told me I cannot live...
Hello, I have been an active reader, but until now, not an active writer to the forum. First of all, the HW Forum is a very good source of information and psychological healing for me, as well as...